packing inventory files into one counted item vs the count of its contents.
Ciara Ashton
zip files up so they count as one item rather than all the items in the file that can be worn by add or rezed on the ground that later you could unzip to edit contents adding or deleting items in the file
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Spooky Mistwallow
Boxing items is cumbersome and can be time consuming when you have a lot. While it is a simple workaround, it would be so much easier if we could right click a folder and "zip" or turn it into a packaged prim without rezzing something and dragging the folder into it, Deleting the folder and then going to the objects folder and dragging the boxed item back where it belongs.
AnnieLamourVrai Corvinus
Spooky MistwallowYES
sallyG1rl Resident
Would be nice if this could be done without having to rez from inventory but perhaps make a named-zip-folder and put items in it. Then even where you can't rez objects you could still clean up inventory and pack away things you wouldn't need until some change in your situation. Right now I use archive folders in clothing folders to pack away stuff for mesh bodies i'm not using. But when I do a search for an item, even those archived show up and makes a much longer list to go through.
The ability to try something from inventory that was packed away without having to unpack everything comes in handy when you want to see if a particular item may work as well, or better, than the one normally used.
LassDream McMahon
I just create a prim box. Does the same thing as a zip file imho
Caelan Whimsy
LassDream McMahon Agreed. A prim box does exactly this. Add an unpacking script and you can attach the box to unpack it instead of having to rez. (There are free unpacker scripts - you can message me in-world and I'll send you one.)
SL Feedback
SL Feedback
Hello, and thank you for your feature request regarding packing inventory files into one counted item versus the count of its contents. This idea has been brought up in the past and is currently tracked. We understand the importance of managing large inventories and the potential benefits this feature could bring to our community. While we have no estimate on when it may be implemented, please keep an eye on future updates. We appreciate your input and hope you continue to share your ideas to help improve Second Life. Thank you!