Parcel Permissions to disallow bots
Iza Blossom
I know sim owners can prevent bots from entering their region. I can understand some benefits of having them do so. However, it is so creepy when I am standing in my home, naked, trying to change my clothes and all of a sudden I have a bot landing in my house!
It would be so nice if there were also a parcel permission to prevent bots from entering the parcel. Let them land someplace on the sim that allows them!
I shouldn't have to make my land group access or access list only and force friends to either join my group or be tasked with adding names to the access list just to keep the bots out. And adding them to the ban list is never ending and a total pain if you move to a new parcel.
PLEASEEEEEE let us keep our home bot-free!
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Sheelaha Resident
Security orbs can be picked up free.
I use a 10L$ TBF orb. Works a treat.
Set the delay to zero when you're worried about your digital bits being compromised.
Journey Bunny
This is kind of confusing, if you're not concerned about the data gathering aspect of bots-- which others have already mentioned is unaffected by partial permissions.
A bot is not looking at you while you're changing. A human operator controlling an account would be doing so. It sounds like you're concerned that just anybody can pop into your parcel at any time and look at you so you want to ban bots... But bots are the only thing that aren't looking at you; you can use parcel permissions to restrict access to your parcel if you're concerned about people coming in and looking at you when you haven't given them permission.
Banning bots is a separate kind of thing that I understand people want to do, but this is an artificially constructed problem that will not will be solved by the feature that you've suggested. You're concerned about creepy people popping in and watching you, and bots are not operated by people. Preventing bots at a parcel level does not stop the problem you stated, about people who are actually creepy and watching you change clothes.
Beatrice Voxel
Journey Bunny It's a legit concern when you don't know what the bot is doing there. Is it scanning rezzed objects, surveying traffic, or taking pictures? Is it caching rezzed textures such as artwork? Is it a copybot? And since most of the bots you see dropping in on residential parcels are not reg'd as scripted agents, there's no way of knowing who is running them or for what purpose.
So I share Iza Blossom's concern, just as I would random people driving up to my house and taking pictures. With Google Street View, at least I can see the logo on the car, and if I have a problem I can go to Google and have any imagery scrubbed or sanitized.
Journey Bunny
Beatrice Voxel I absolutely acknowledge it's a legit concern. As mentioned in my previous comment, preventing a bot from coming across your parcel line does not prevent the bot from being able to get a list of all of the avatars in a region, cache textures, and everything else you've mentioned. I agree with the concern, but the proposed mechanism does not solve any of the problems mentioned. Eg, a bot can rez 0.001 m to the side of your parcel and gather all the same data. Region ban is the only way to stop an account from gathering names, photos, land owners, etc.
As a side note, if you observe accounts behaving as bots that do not have the scripted agent status then definitely report them. It may take a little bit of time, but linden Labs looks into those and can apply a flag to them because it's against the terms of service.
Beatrice Voxel
Journey Bunny I'm aware that a bot within a region can survey the whole region. It's still a problem to a parcel owner whose expectation is that they can control access (and visibility at least in regards to people and conversations) to that parcel. A bot shows up, that expectation is out the window. It's less about preventing the privacy intrusion (which as you've pointed out cannot be stopped as long as a bot can get to the region) and more about stopping the overt "I'm in YOUR space" trespass.
Holocluck Henly
Journey Bunny beside the point. Our property our choice. No bots. I stopped giving my SLURL out to promote events on my property because once some nonresponsive THING started squatting there night & day. This option deserves merit without nitpicky responses. 10,001 uses for.
Journey Bunny
Holocluck Henly it's bizarre that something would squat on your property in a way that bothers you, without being banned by you.
The grid is stuffed full of parcel orbs, and it's easy to make a parcel orb that bans anything with scripted agent status. You can already ban bots from your parcel very easily.
The problem, I suspect, is all the ones that are misbehaving by not setting scripted agent status, and once again I'll point out that the request to set a parcel to ban bots has no effect on this behavior.
Holocluck Henly
Journey Bunny There is merit to welcome people to visit or attend an event. Or returning people on new accounts who don't have payment on file etc etc and all the blather. Filtering the bots out are a blessing to some of us and of benefit where applicable. Ditto when it becomes a default following abandoning land so they don't fill a region and block passage on routes. I'll never understand why it's so terrible for people to allow a toggle for others to use. So don't use it. I would.
AlettaMondragon Resident
Actually if you turn on "must have payment info on file" at the access restrictions that will keep most bots out of your parcel as they don't have payment info. So by that you can already limit bots landing at your home to a minimum. Other than this I am fully with you on this, we shall have the option in the parcel access restrictions to keep scripted agents (bots) out, and then we can use it or not as we wish. It shouldn't even be difficult for LL to make it since it exists on region-level.
KiraYoichi Resident
Peter Stindberg
You realize that this would be a purely cosmetic change? As long as a bot has access to a single 4x4 parcel on the region, it can carry out its task scanning the whole region including all and every agents (avatars) on it. Being able to disallow access to
parcel does not
protect you from being processed by the bot.Iza Blossom
Peter Stindberg I understand that they scan everyone on the sim. That isn't my issue. I just don't want them in my home! They can come scan everything and report their stats. They just should not be allowed to land anyplace they want while doing it!
AlettaMondragon Resident
Peter Stindberg This is more of a matter of comfort than making a difference technically. You both have a solid point at the same time. What really matters is everyone should be able to feel safe and comfortable in their own home, so adding a feature that helps this is absolutely positive. Then the bots still scanning our shoe size and height is somehing most people can live with, I think.
SL Feedback
SL Feedback
Hello, and thank you for your feature request regarding parcel permissions to disallow bots. This idea has been brought up in the past and is currently tracked. We understand how unsettling it can be to have bots intruding on your private space, especially in moments when you expect privacy. While we have no estimate on when this feature might be implemented, please keep an eye on future updates. We appreciate your input and hope you continue to share your ideas to help improve Second Life. Thank you!
Cynianne Hellershanks
SL Feedback Please make data gathering bots an opt in option instead of an opt out. If there is a problem with a region it can always be reported through proper channels, as we always have. They are creepy, but they are also unnecessary.
Jennifer Boyle
Cynianne Hellershanks, I think Bonniebots perform an important public service. They provide us with useful data about the popularity of attachments, which I refer to fairly frequently.
Cynianne Hellershanks
Jennifer Boyle I think they are an intrusive annoyance. Especially since I am not willing to contribute marketing data for popular attachments. We never asked for it, but no worries, the owner of the region I manage will be banning all bots, full stop.