Payments and blocked avatars
Sarahbuxso Resident
I would like to address the issue of blocked members trying to get your attention with still being able to pay you. I have a person I blocked who pays me 1L trying to get my attention. If a person is blocked they should not be able to send 1L increments, it's still harassment.
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VriSeriphim Resident
If someone chooses to send me L$, I want to receive the L$.
Any message they send along with the L$, should be blocked.
As for payment notification, well, I can live with that if for only so I know I'm getting L$ and not that an SL bug is giving me L$ that might get taken away when the bug is fixed.
Darling Brody
I wish I had stalkers who pay me! �
Beatrice Voxel
LL should deliver the money, but drop the note sent along with.
Agreed had this happen to me last year they sent 1l every 30 min
Reckless Rotunno
I just want to be able to block someone and them not see me as normal, or hear me in local chat...the purpose is to block. Why is it that someone I block, can still hear me and see me fine?? Blocking should go both ways. If I block you, you shouldn't be able to hear me in local...I can't hear them in a block, why should they be able to hear me when I have blocked them? I mean I am the blocker and that person should be blocked from all my activity, not just the other way around.
Peter Stindberg
Reckless Rotunno YOU block THEM. So YOU don't see/hear anything FROM them. Blocking is for your peace of mind, not for restricting the others experience. Works as designed, imho.
Reckless Rotunno
Peter Stindberg but see that's where you are wrong. Blocking is for my peace of mind. As long as they know I exist, there's no peace of mind for me. They should be restricted from me and all my activity! That's my piece of mind! They don't see me and I don't see them. That's how it works on social media and after all, this is considered a meta, so all should apply.
Beatrice Voxel
Reckless Rotunno Here's a scenario. You own a shop. You police the shop for people coming in being jerks, spamming gestures, and otherwise harassing your customers. Sounds about like the role of a shop manager, right? Could be a club, or an attraction, doesn't matter. You're there to keep the peace and make sure visitors aren't harassed.
And a cadre of punks show up and start harassing people.
However, because these guys see you as the manager, they know you can't just kick them out without a reason, they all block YOU, and carry on with the hooliganism. Now you can't see it. You have no evidence that they are misbehaving, and if you yeet them out of your shop and they complain to LL, you're on the hook... because you have nothing to prove they were the problem all along.
This also goes for group chats. How would a group moderator be able to see disruptive content in the group chat, if the person posting that content blocked the moderator? Sure, other people would get upset and likely name the perpetrator, but they would have to copy/paste the offending material and send it to the mod... which then runs afoul of those "don't copy my chats to send to others" privacy complaints.
This 'feature' becomes a big mess, all because a blocking mechanic hid the offensive behaviors from the person responsible for maintaining order.
Reckless Rotunno
Beatrice Voxel first off, if you are a store manager, you're going to have eject and ban powers. If not, then the store owner is foolish for not giving managers powers. Second, Firestorm makes a radar that notifies you of who's on your land, in local chat. Third, I can ban anyone I want. They can complain to LL all they want. I have never heard of anyone complaining to LL for being banned and LL do something about it lol. That's very far stretched. You are coming up with a scenario, that isn't how it would work. I have tons of ppl that have me blocked. I can see them though. kinda useless to block someone in hopes that they block you so they don't see you.. I know when they are on my land and I can easily eject and ban. If a store owner doesn't have trust in their staff, well that's the store owners problem. It's called a block for a reason. If I block someone, I not only want to not see their activity, but I don't want them to see mine either. It's simple. A block is a block and should go both ways. The currant setup is to ignore, not block. I don't care to really ignore people. Ignoring does nothing...they can still see me, harass me, and not even know they are blocked...some punishment for harassing people. Not going to waste time filing an abuse report, to not be answered for 3 days or more. We should be able to block this person from seeing us and or communicating with us, and vise versa.
SuchieGirl Resident
Beatrice Voxel A fix to this could be to have the system prevent access to lands owned or managed by someone you blocked or who has blocked you. Just like bans, but it's done automatically any time a block is put in place.
Isobel DeSantis
Reckless Rotunno If they've blocked you, under your scenario you wouldn't be able to see what they're saying. In Facebook groups (as you mention social media) it's considered a bannable offence to block the admins/moderators for that reason. Your suggestion actually creates the scenario that they can block you before you block them and stop you from seeing them. Yes they still show on radar and nearby, but that relies on your remembering who you've blocked.
Isobel DeSantis
SuchieGirl Resident so it would track you and them if either of you moved? And would it be a sim-wide block or just affect the parcel you/they control?
Isobel DeSantis
Beatrice Voxel you're absolutely right. That's why blocking an admin/moderator is considered a bannable offence in Facebook groups, although it's possible.
SuchieGirl Resident
Isobel DeSantis No movement tracking would be necessary. It could work like parcel bans. Pretty much if someone tried to access a parcel owned or managed by someone who blocked them or someone they blocked, they would not be able to TP or walk in and get a system message saying they are not able to access this property.
Rheia Silvercloud
In addition, the offender can send messages when "paying" you, thus evading your block and sending you essentially what they would say elsewise. I agree with this proposal - The other option would be allow the payment but do not send the messages. Thus, if someone wants to throw L$ around, let them, to their detriment, and let them run into a wall elsewise. A fool and their money are soon parted.
Lucia Nightfire
They don't pay you just to get attention. They're hoping you pay them back so they can see your location in their transaction history.
Sarahbuxso Resident
Lucia Nightfire ooo,I never thought of that, so true!
Kyrah Abattoir
Lucia Nightfire I was not aware of this trick, that is devious...
Isobel DeSantis
Lucia Nightfire you don't have to pay them back. As soon as they pay you, your location at the time you receive the money shows up in their transaction history, if I'm not mistaken, and theirs shows up in yours.
Randy Pole
Cant you just disable L$ payment notifications? Let the foolish person pay you until the end of time and enjoy that L$.
cutey4u Resident
Yes its a nitemer
cutey4u Resident
It would be nice that once you block someone they dissappear and not seen as a gray person with streched out arms. Cant you make them fanish? If you see them they can see you.
Evonne1968 Resident
cutey4u Resident You can derender them permanently
Kyrah Abattoir
cutey4u Resident From my vrchat experience this would turn the problem into an "everyone's" problem. when people who blocked each-others end up standing into the same spot.
Shamonne Resident
cutey4u Resident Evonne is right, you can derender/blacklist them permanently. The only downside to this, compared to simple blocking, is that you may never know when you're standing real close to the person you have blocked. At least with just blocking, you would know 'what' place/spot to avoid.
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