PBR Sunrise, Sunset and Midnight
Nescolet Resident
Can we have please added to the list of available Environments in the viewer equivalent PBR versions of our beloved Sunrise, Sunset and Midnight, and name old ones (Legacy) as you did with Midday?
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VriSeriphim Resident
This. And I would also suggest adding "Twilight Predawn" and "Twilight Postdusk"
Spidey Linden
Issue tracked. We have no estimate when it may be implemented. Please see future updates here.
Eventyra Resident
Would be nice if the New PBR default was added to the library so I could add it to my sim. The old one is in the library and really needs renamed to legacy Noon but that is it.
Gwyneth Llewelyn
I understand this is one of the many, many things that are "under active development" (namely, allowing us to use HDRI skies when designing environments) but which didn't yet pass the QA... although it's been a _year_ since this was first mentioned!
Nothing like giving our Linden friends a heads-up �
Daniel Voyager
Yes this would be nice