Personal Calendar
Lucia TopHat
A personal calendar, maybe in our profile, would be handy. Someplace we could add personal events and events off the SL listings.
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Dictatorshop Resident
This would be great as part of our www stuff, like profile. If all of the events in groups we belong to could be shown on our own calendar that would be awesome, especially if there was some way to pop an SL notification. In so many groups they end up posting for the same party up to three times (way in advance, an hour before and half time), this could help reduce the need for it, if it were a widely use feature.
Vulcan Viper
It would save us the trouble of having to rely on a third party, Google.
Paracelsus Schonberg
Ages ago, there was a HUD calendar I used. With enough interest, perhaps a coder will take notice and write a new one?
Zy Butcher
It would be a great addition to the mobile viewer as well. I support this.
KiraYoichi Resident
It's like you've taken the idea right out of my head and placed it perfectly here! 👏 Bravo!
I completely agree with this suggestion; it would create higher interaction around events to remember—such as concerts, book clubs, sports, educational activities, and much more. It could also be used for personal reminders to organize inventory, manage personal business tasks, plan birthday parties, or schedule hangouts with friends. ❤️
This would be especially helpful for forgetful people like myself (A.D.D. - Attention Deficit Disorder).
As a bonus feature, I suggest adding a profile menu option to make your personal calendar visible with different privacy settings: "Public," "Private," or "Friends Only." Additionally, a "Share" ➡️ button could allow you to send calendar events to a nearby resident or one you've searched for. The receiving resident would then get a notification to accept or decline, with the option to set preferences for receiving calendar events from "Friends," "Non-Friends," or "None."
Spidey Linden
Issue tracked. We have no estimate when it may be implemented. Please see future updates here.