Pinned Notices for group notices list
Marianne McCann
A Group owner or admin can post a notice in the group. They then can tag a box so that this group notice will not expire/disappear in 2 weeks. This will be helpful when you want an object or notecard or certain instructional messages to be available for a longer period.
It would prevent me (and other group owners/officers) from having to repost certain things (and forgetting that i have to) I also see it in other groups where admins point to a notice with instructions or an object and then realize it is gone and they have to hurry to repost. It could be limited to a certain number to not strain servers but i think it would bring server load down. I am not that tech savvy so i hope i explained it well.
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Dictatorshop Resident
It would be great if there was a way (like web profiles) to be able to see the history of notices for a group outside of the recent notices tab in-world. If that information isn't deleted in the system.
Do we have www group profiles? If so it could just be under that, and if not, perhaps that is something we need to have? Things like group rules could be posted there (which is usually what admins are trying to pin anyway).
rsd58 Foxpaws
i agreee its would be helpful for roleplay commuites as its could provide pinned so we can find infomation
babylux04 Resident
This has my vote!
Kyle Linden
North Glenwalker
Fully support removing group notices. 1)Admin can remove any notice. 2) The poster of a notice can remove their own notice
Sheelaha Resident
Pinned notices that are held until cleared by group Admin similar to X and MMO gamer profiles.
Laura18 Streeter
even sticky notices with an expiration would be nice. for those clubs that send a notice with a LM to an event or an invitation 15 times during the week - set it sticky the first time, then un-stickify it or expire it or delete it when the week is done. Deletes as well would be cool. Sometimes the right notice has the wrong attachment, and a new notice is sent to fix that..
Master Kane
Great idea Marianne!
I agree with Anna, no more than 3 maybe 4 should be stickied at a time.
Group owners should have the option to remove a current notice.
Hiding of certain notices would just cause issues in the backend and could cause lag (fetching for group members or group owners/officers only), unlike the msgs already showing.
Anna Salyx
I like the idea of sticky notices, but feel there should be a limit of how many notices can be stickied... say to 2 or 3 at most. Which leads to another needed ability, owners/officers being able to delete notices. I have personally experienced an occasion where a terrible notice went out, and the officers had to spam out 200 junk notices to force the terrible notice out of the list. There needs to be away for high level control to selectively remove notices.
Anastasia Horngold
This would be a great help.
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