Premium Commercial options
TadNoodle2 Resident
Hello there! I wanted to toss in a suggestion, to perhaps add a commercial property option for premium users, either a space in a mall type of setting, or a shop space like a linden home. I know Linden Homes cannot be used for commercial purposes (which is fine, and makes sense, don't change that lol) but I thought since SL is made by it's creators and entrepreneurs, it would be cool to give us the chance to dip our toes into the creative and business aspect of SL. I know the Linden Mall exists and it's fcfs but I was thinking something along the lines of Linden Homes, where it's a space we pay for and don't lose unless we cancel our subs. It can be used as a shop or an art gallery or advertisements for social pages (like a marketplace store or an offline shop) and etc. I just think it would be a cool way to get more people involved in the community and everything SL has to offer. Thanks for listening! ♥
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Hello, and thank you for your feature request regarding Premium Commercial options. This idea has been brought up in the past and is currently tracked. We have no estimate when it may be implemented, but please keep an eye on future updates. We appreciate your input and hope you continue to share your ideas to help improve Second Life. Thank you!
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