I think the gestures could be awesome and much more useful.
  • Allow for gestures to play animations and sounds in the inventory even when they are not transfer
  • Allow to search for the animation/sound name (maybe something similar to the texture ‘pick up’ dialog.
  • Add ‘stop all animations’ and ‘stop all sounds’ as a command
  • Expand the keys to use also numbers 0-9 and combinations 'alt', alt+shift', 'ctrl+shift'
It’s better explain with a use case, let’s say animations. Let’s say I want to map 10 different animations to the ten function buttons.
Actually I can map 30 animations using ‘shift’ and ‘control’. This will alleviate having a hud with 30 animations, and a listener.
The first issue I find is that I cannot trigger animation I have no transfer right to them, which are most animation bought from creators. This issue has been raised before and the problem seems to be gestures not having permission system.
It is ok to have to make them one by one, they are only ten. But trying selecting the proper animation from a dropdown in a list of 1000s is tedious. This was OK with maybe tens of animations.
Another thing I find missing from the gestures functionality is a command to stop the animations that are looped. At the moment I need to make two gestures, one to start the animation, and one to stop that particular animation. So let’s say for then animation I’d use F1-10 to start them, and shift+F1-10 to stop them. I wish I could have only one gesture that stops them all. Think that I can have two animation playing, like sitting and waving.
It also would be nice if we could use the numbers 0-9 and other combinations of modifiers keys 'alt', alt+shift', 'ctrl+shift'.
With the proposals of client side scripting (LUA), it feels sad that gestures got so little love over the years even when they are awesome, they even have a wait command so one can sequence actions without scripting.
Thanks for reading!