Remove unnessisary teleport permission requests
Darling Brody
Do we really need to ask for permission to teleport when the script is being worn from inventory by the resident?
I have customers complaining that it is annoying having to answer this popup permission request, but the only way to bypass this behavior is to have a dedicated script hold that permission that is never reset; which would wastes region resources.
According to the wiki Temp attachments are not permitted to teleport people which was the only real avenue for abuse back in the day, so I don't see a need to be granting this permission explicitly anymore.
I think it is time for it to become like the other permissions that are auto-granted when an object is attached from a resident's inventory.
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Madi Melodious
This is a bad idea. With so many malicious players out there, this can be abused and used to teleport unsuspecting players into compromising positions or locations. Such as teleporting child avatars to adult regions against their will. To prevent such things is exactly why the permission request was added.
What the user is asking for can be accomplished with experiences, which is one of the reasons experiences where added.
Darling Brody
Madi Melodious With all due respect, I don't think you read all that I wrote above. I will address your worries for you, but I still encourage you to re-read all the above. (1) Unsuspecting people can already have their camera taken control of, animated, be orbited over region borders so fast they are logged out, spammed etc all by wearing an attachment from their inventory that is auto-granted permissions. (2) Under age players are unable to enter adult regions regardless of the method used. (3) Permissions requests were not added because of the things you mentioned, they were added because of a bug in temp attachments that has since been resolved. (4) Experience is unable to operate outside of experience enabled land, so a teleport HUD for example would be useless if it needed to rely on an experience. (5) As a scripted content creator from 2006 I am well aware all of these issues, and none of them are mitigated by retaining a popup permission that was meant to be retired over a decade ago. See my other posts for the history of why it was added. I suspect it was before your time.
SuchieGirl Resident
i prefer the perms requests for various reasons, but i can see how it could be helpful to some to have it turned off. A better option, to me, would be to have something that can switched them on and off in settings, like the TP Confirmation. It could be defaulted to on on first use, but people who do not want it could turn it off.
Darling Brody
SuchieGirl Resident That is an interesting suggestion, and I like it because it would also deal with the other permission issues people have previously complained about.
The only issue I see here is that a viewer revoking a permission that a script has already been auto-granted - it will result in existing scripts attempting to do things without permissions, normally resulting in the script SHOUTING an error message in local chat. eg: ....
Normal flow for a script is:
(1) request permission
(2) Wait for the permission to be granted (by viewer or automatically by region)
(3) use function requiring the permission.
However if the viewer can revoke the permission it will likely happen between steps 2 and 3 when the user presses NO to the permissions dialog box. User input will never be faster than auto-granting so it will break auto-granted permissions.
I don't think it would be worth creating a dedicated on/off for just one teleport permission, and doing other permissions too will break too much content. Not to mention the backlash creators will have to deal with when customers think their products are faulty after turning off the viewers auto-granting option.
SuchieGirl Resident
Darling Brody They could put an, "Are you sure you want to turn this off? It could cause other scripts to not function properly..." warning. i just am not really fond of the idea of removing it completely. Sometimes you accidentally grant permission for something you did not mean to because you were clicking something else. At least as it is still an option, if you TP, you get a chance to deny it. However, there are HUDs that i have used that ask once to auto TP and never have to ask again. i am not sure if it works the same or what process they used, but i can take them off and put them back on and the perms are still saved.
Darling Brody
SuchieGirl Resident those huds that ask once use a dedicated script that is never reset to hold the permission. Something I mentioned as an undesirable option due to using resources unnecessary.
SL Feedback
SL Feedback
Hello, and thank you for your detailed feature request regarding the removal of unnecessary teleport permission requests. This idea has been brought up in the past and is currently tracked. We understand how this can be a frustrating experience for both you and your customers, and we appreciate the thought you've put into explaining the issue and its history. While we have no estimate on when this might be implemented, please keep an eye on future updates. Your input is invaluable in helping us improve Second Life, and we encourage you to continue sharing your ideas. Thank you!