Restrict scripted eject options to prevent ejection from vehicle
Tonya Souther
Aviation in Second Life can be a deeply frustrating experience. While ban lines aren't a problem except at low altitude, as during takeoff or landing, security orbs can affect you at all altitudes. If you trigger an orb with a short fuse or a longer timeout on a large parcel that takes longer than its timeout to cross, you're removed from your vehicle and sent elsewhere - but your vehicle isn't, so it merrily flies along until it goes offworld or finds a no-object-entry parcel or crashes. There's no way to know this will be a problem before you get to the parcel.
I would like to see a change, either in scripting of llEjectFromLand() and llTeleportAgentHome() or else in mainland policy, to restrict a security orb's ability to separate you from your vehicle or to limit the altitudes over which it is effective to some vertical distance from the orb. I have no desire to invade anyone's privacy; I just want to go flying without getting ejected from my airplane without any way to avoid it.
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Finn Pixelbottom
Please implement this. I am sick and tired of going on a long, peaceful flight, only to be ejected.
Starbright Wingtips
People using zero second or very short timer orbs need to be executed in public every Sunday. We could make it a community event. I am sure it'd be very popular.
Atomic Infinity
I agree with Tonya, embedding a delay in the unsit & eject script functions of just 15 seconds would solve a huge number of problem locations.
The use of zero second orbs significantly reduces the desirability of mainland as a product, so if the LL roadmap includes 'get abandoned mainland into resident hands', then something needs to change here.
Spidey Linden
Issue tracked. We have no estimate when it may be implemented. Please see future updates here.
Vincent Nacon
Can't have it both ways. You're basically asking them to make an exception, which people can abuse it.
Tonya Souther
Vincent Nacon ... ok, so how would you solve the problem? Remember, there's no way for a pilot to know there's an orb with a short trigger coming up that he would need to avoid. I would happily avoid the parcel if I could know that I needed to.
Vincent Nacon
Tonya Souther That's the problem. We're stuck with this currently. Even if LL provided a function or a flag that let other script know what's going on with that specific parcel, doesn't means much for those who are still using the old/current orb script that hasn't updated it.
Tonya Souther
Vincent Nacon Right. I'm trying to suggest a way out of the mess. Maybe only apply the exception if the vehicle is moving above, say, 10 meters per second? Would keep someone from sitting in a parked car.
The other possibility is to impose a minimum orb time on general mainland like they do for Linden Homes. It would still take longer than the 15 seconds they allow there as minimum to cross some large parcels, but it's better than the current zero seconds.