This has been a bug for nearly 2 years now since all the recent FPS gain viewer updates and forward.
~I thought it may have been reported and hoped it would be fixed over the viewer updates, But now after 2 years i am here to file this report.
This only seem to affect Rigged Meshes,. Unrigged prims/meshes are unaffected by this issue.
Steps to produce the issue:
  1. Blender, create a cube and rig it to SL Skeleton... any bone lets say (mChest) for this test
  2. Copy the Cube 2 times and make each cube slightly bigger than the other. So we create a layer stack. SO Base / Middle and Top layer. So 3 seperated meshes intotal
  3. Export and upload the Rigged cubes to SL
  4. Now in SL. The Base layer can be left untouched
  5. Middle Layer, Set it to a color and assign a glow and give it some transparency lets say 0.5 glow and 0.5 Transparency
  6. The Top layer, Assign a Transparent texture >>> Give it a Default Normal map >>> And blank specular map
  7. Now activate Animated mesh on it and you will then see the glow does not shine through the very top layer.
Solution to avoid glow being eaten..
Is to remove the Normal Map from the top layer, for some reason then the glow on the middle layer shines through.
This bug does not affect default unrigged prims but does however affect rigged meshes. Can this be fixed please.
This may even resolve the alpha blending issue on layer mesh stacking in SL
Provided some image on information on bug within SL