Second Life Premium Plus for Families/Friends Group
Marty Mouse
This idea is about creating a Premium Plus Group Plan for small groups of friends, family members, or alt accounts (5 people per plan), similar to what Google offers. The cost could be by main account.
how it would work?
so it would work like that main avi pay: 30,000 L$ per month (example) or the equivalent in real currency, with payment options for 3 months or 1 year upfront. Then person can add on their dashboard avatar names who wish (can change that chooice once per month) so all 5 added to it avis got premium plus.
Why is this needed?
Many users in Second Life have multiple avatars or want to share premium benefits with family or friends. This proposal allows users to share a premium plan with those who might not be able to afford it themselves, or share with alts providing more people access to premium features without each person paying individually.
How will this help Second Life?
There are many groups of friends, families, and creators in Second Life who would be interested in a shared premium plan. Creators with multiple avatars could benefit from having premium perks on all their accounts.
This would increase revenue for Second Life, as more people would be encouraged to upgrade to a premium plan knowing they can share it across their group. Families and creators are likely to purchase such a plan because it makes premium benefits more accessible and practical for everyone involved. It will bring more money and stuff so that would work in the best intrest of Linden Lab and overall good.
Thank you for reading and consider implement this change.
(this text was made with help of AI translator cause my english is not the best, sorry for any weird writing or so)
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Caelan Whimsy
I love this idea. My family and I like to go to shopping events and roleplay sims together. Only a couple of us are Premium, which means we have to wait for events to clear out so our non-Premium family can get in too. And I would really like to be able to invite more people to a Premium sandbox to look at large houses or photo backdrops.
SL Feedback
SL Feedback
Hello, and thank you for your feature request regarding a Second Life Premium Plus plan for families or friends. This idea has been brought up in the past and is currently tracked. We understand the potential benefits of such a feature, especially in terms of cost savings for users with multiple accounts or family members. While we have no estimate on when this might be implemented, please keep an eye on future updates. We appreciate your input and hope you continue to share your ideas to help improve Second Life. Thank you!