Simplify the calculation of Land Impact (LI) by eliminating all relevance of object scale on LI. It is highly confusing that the size of an object impacts its LI, especially when an object switches from old to new accounting methods, suddenly becoming much more expensive LI-wise than it was previously.
Second Life has two methods of calculating the LI of content:
  1. "Old" style
Basic prims with blinn phong materials are counted using the original LI method: 1 prim = 1 LI.
  1. "New" style (Mesh and Material Calculations)
Mesh content and objects with new-style PBR materials use a newer style of accounting that takes many things into account, including object scale, download size, etc.
  • Download weight
  • Physics weight
  • Server weight
  • Display weight
Let's err towards simplicity here:
  • Eliminate impact of scale on LI
The goal should be that users should not be surprised when working with LI. Eliminating the scale from the calculation would mean that LI would not wildly vary based on the size of an object. This should make the accounting system much less variable and confusing.