Sit on Avatar/Animesh Skeleton Point
Zi Ree
Make it possible to click an avatar/animesh, select "Sit on ..." and get a list of skeleton targets that the avatar/animesh has enabled to be sat on. This would make the sitting avatar follow the skeleton as if they were an attachment. Needs permissions handling for avatars. The avatar/animesh can define a (limited?) number of skeleton targets like "Head", "Spine", etc. by script with an offset and rotation for each.
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Shakeno Tomsen
This has been a suggestion for a long time, being able to sit on attachment objects that other avatars have worn. As mentioned already in all those posts, and the old JIRA, this would help a lot with saddles (Allowing the animation to accurately follow the position of the attachment WITHOUT needing to make an animation for that) and couples walkers, like hugging, princess carrying, etc. Heck, you could have different avatar sizes and proportions and still accurately follow without having to make animations for every specific size possibility!
SL Feedback
Merged in a post from Rizzy Khaos:
Title: Ability for Avatars to "sit" on another Avatar
Details: Currently the only way to sync avatars who want to walk together, is limited to invisible prim vehicles. What if an avatar can sit on another avatar?
It would revolutionize the horse riding scene where horse avatars can give rides.
Couples can walk together and go for a scenic stroll.
Ability to play animations that line up better.
Could it be implemented?
Make it so only people in your friendslist can initiate request to "sit" on your avatar.
SL Feedback
Merged in a post from Rizzy Khaos:
Title: Toggable option to allow others to "SIT" on your avatar
Details: I don't know if this is possible on a technical scale but I think it would be great for immersion and quality of life if there was a toggable feature to allow another avatar to sit on you, and you can both "walk" around together (whilst being animated).
On the humanoid side, it would open up a whole new category of couples poses solely dedicated to being closer to each other and allowing couples to lets say "hold hands" while they walk around in Second Life.
Some other practical uses would also be for the folks who enjoy being horses, as currently if you are a horse avatar, the only way to let another avatar ride on you is through the use of an invisible vehicle that both of you have to sit on.
A feature like this would eliminate such a need for invisible walkers.
Snowlord Resident
Love this idea and hope it can get implemented.
Spidey Linden
Merged in a post:
llSitOnAvatar ();
DimplesApplePie Spicy
A function to sit on avatar, like that no more need of poseball.
Dan Linden asked me to post the idea here. :)
Joni Covfefe
If this is not my first comment on a suggestion, then it is at least one of my first. I wholeheartedly support this idea and would love to see it come to fruition!!!
Celestine Ghiardie
This would be a huge upgrade to Second Life - for many residents it would be even more useful than the Bento bones upgrade and likely also more than the current PBR upgrade, as awesome as that is. I don't think there would be as much work getting this backwards compatible as with the other mentioned upgrades though? Older scripted "sit" objects would continue to work as normal right?
Nescolet Resident
Imagine this sit on avatar features access levels, white list and such for PG and Adult, and there is an extension of your AO where you can add couple poses to animate yourself when someone with access sits on you. Be your own mobile everywhere furniture. This could have finer access level that allows to grant or deny access to specific poses/animations, depending on sitter name, gender, and "previous actions" like paying a fee.
Eren Padar
Good for Dan Linden. Long ago we used to be able to sit on an Avatar wearing a saddle... but no more. The problem was there wasn't a "This avatar would like to sit on you. Do you wish to grant permission?" That would need to be part of the function. But YES... horses, hippogrifs, rideable dragons... anything in which an avatar might have a passenger would benefit from this. Why did Linden Lab ever disable this instead of simply institute a permission grant?
VriSeriphim Resident
Eren Padar "Long ago we used to be able to sit on an Avatar wearing a saddle... but no more."
My Water Horse avatar came with a saddle that allows it to have a rider.
Basically, the saddle is a vehicle object. It has sit positions for the mount and the rider.
This arrangement does, often, have lag issues. Being able to ride directly on an avatar (or an attachment the avatar is wearing) might reduce lag issues.
Eren Padar
VriSeriphim Resident I too have a dragon with a "double sit saddle". The problem is that it then becomes a vehicle, which is not nearly as maneuverable as walking or flying. In addition is the lag issue you mentioned (though that's fairly low). Still, being able to sit on an avatar-mounted prim would be far more maneuverable than the existing vehicle solutions.
Thornotter Resident
As someone who legitimately - no joke - has a were-chair avatar, I wholeheartedly agree. Haha!
Also agree with the points made about horse/centaur/mount avatars. I also have some fantasy centaur avatars used now and then.
While not my thing, I also walked through a sim the other day that had a whole department store of 'clothing' avatars that could be worn.
I guess what I'm trying to illustrate is functionality like this would open up all sorts of unexpected creativity, and that's what Second Life is all about. It's not only "naughty times without needing poseballs", although obviously that would be a major focus for many people!
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