Snapshots: Timestamp in Filename
in progress
Signal Linden
Create snapshots with a timestamp (Snapshot_2023-11-20-074526.jpg) filename rather than a serial (Snapshot_002.jpg) name.
Second Life has long taken screenshots and saved them with a simple number suffix: _XXX.png/jpg. This makes organizing images tedious, as the filename doesn't necessarily match the order/time in which the image was captured.
There are also two formats, with the 360 snapshot feature including a bunch of ancillary information:
- Standard Snapshot - Snapshot_001.jpg
- 360 Snapshots - sl360_Linden_Lab_HQ_1_4096x2048_128_20231120_074526.jpg
There could be more consistency here, with the same pattern used for both. Or, if it's simpler: just add a timestamp to standard snapshots.
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Derek Galaxy
Adding location name, date, and other details automatically would be great!
Maybe even more data about the screenshot could be added as EXIF data?
primerib1 Resident
Derek Galaxy Adding details would be nice as metadata.
Some nice information to store:
* Region Name
* Exact location SLURL -- or better, local coordinates down to 0.1m
* EEP info -- because sometimes I use an EEP different from the parcel's default
* Custom lighting info (if any)
* SLT time taken (if I need to reproduce)
Signal Linden
in progress
Spidey Linden
Issue accepted. We have no estimate when it may be implemented. Please see future release notes for this fix.
Rockridge Constantine
Spidey Linden: I look forward to this. Thanks for adding this as "Tracked"
Kadah Coba
+1 ISO formatted dates.
This is ripe for an OS contrib. If/when I have and if its before LL or others get to it before then, I'd like to do this as PR. I haven't contribed anything since the move to github (finally :p).
Kadah Coba
What is blocking me from doing any contribs is that I cannot compile or run the LL viewer on Linux. I was previously relying on a fork of the LL viewer that I could use to dev on and contrib "untested" code, but said fork isn't being maintained anymore.
Gwyneth Llewelyn
Yes please!
Rockridge Constantine
This would definetly save time and create a logical way to sort them. Many times i rename them similarly to find certain snapshots