There has been an increase in the number of inworld chat groups that utilise a bot account to relay chat from the group to a channel on a discord server and vice versa. Used well this engages people who are not inworld in the community discussions and allows increased participation.
However, this means that your chat is being sent out of SL to a remote server. There is no opt-in for this, if a group decides to do it they might send a notice (which will banish in 14 days), they might update the group covenant (for which there is no notification of change), or they might do nothing at all. you are then happily chatting to the 5 or 6 people in the group in SL, when suddenly a person who is not online and who may not even be in the group membership list, starts to participate.
I would like to see the ability for the group owners/admins to set a persistent flag on the group that indicates that a relay is/may be used. This is akin to the "This meeting is being recorded" notification in zoom or teams and is almost certainly a legal requirement under either GDPR or the DSA. It would allow people to see immediately that their chat is not as private as they thought and make an informed choice about their data.
An example of such a bot being made very legitimate and positive use of is in the Builders Brewery group.
names hidden to protect the innocent
Assuming canny supports markdown images (attached as well just in case)!
Notably there is nothing in the covenant or elsewhere to tell you that the group is relayed.
What I would like is to be able to see something like this...
mockup of chat group with chat relay indicator and a tooltip describing it
This could simply be a property on the group that implied that recording might be used. It only needs to make people aware that they should ask more questions about their data.
It could, of course, be a more dynamic notifier that turns on when an identified account UUID is active in the group.
If we're adding new properties to chat groups...see also my forthcoming Canny entitled "Persistent topics for group chats please"