Urgent: Need for Improved Support for Private Region Issues. Even implementing a dedicated "Region Offline" 24/7 ticket handler to quickly bring downed or crashed regions back online after support hours would be a step in the right direction
Cinthya Loveless
Having regions stuck in a crashed state for 15+ hours due to the lack of support and inadequate tools to address such problems is unacceptable. This is a common occurrence, and as I write this, one of my regions is experiencing this very issue.
As a 20-year veteran of Second Life, I remember when Concierge support was available 24/7. We still need that level of support or the tools to handle these issues ourselves. Landowners like myself spend tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars per month on our regions. This level of support neglect is detrimental and will ultimately hurt Linden Lab financially. Cutting support for your backbone is not a sustainable strategy.
Even implementing a dedicated "Region Offline" 24/7 ticket handler to quickly bring downed or crashed regions back online after support hours would be a step in the right direction
Please reconsider and restore the necessary support to ensure the success and satisfaction of your loyal customers.
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Jennifer Boyle
There should be 24/7 human support available. SL has users in all time zones.
Skyler Pancake
24/7 concierge was actually a selling point of Premium Plus. The removal of this service by LL is a betrayal of everyone who paid for the service.
Spooky Shadow
This is a good example of LL not really caring once the deal is done. I would love to see that. Actually see real support from LL instead of the bare bones they have now. Abuse is the worst and you have to figure out exactly the right wording before they do anything. Give us a guide. Casper is very rude condescending and mean. Customer service isn't a priority for LL or even in the scope of what they want to offer us. This is why most on SL don't have a good opinion of LL and rightly so. All they care about is building more Bellisseria homes while thousands, literally, sit vacant.
Kalopsia Amethyst
this needs addressed now not later this policy that changed back in late october its not working for us the ppl that pay for your services. and will continue to o get worse as griefers realize they can destroy a persons whole weekend you do realize they dont care right?
Cinthya Loveless
Its The Weekend so theirs no help for my region
SL Feedback
SL Feedback
Hello, and thank you for your detailed post regarding the need for improved support for private region issues. We understand how critical this is, especially for long-time residents and significant landowners like yourself. This concern has been brought up in the past and is currently tracked. While we cannot provide an immediate solution, please know that your feedback is invaluable, and we are continuously working to improve our support systems. We appreciate your dedication to Second Life and your patience as we strive to enhance the experience for all residents. Thank you for your continued support and for sharing your insights.