Having regions stuck in a crashed state for 15+ hours due to the lack of support and inadequate tools to address such problems is unacceptable. This is a common occurrence, and as I write this, one of my regions is experiencing this very issue.
As a 20-year veteran of Second Life, I remember when Concierge support was available 24/7. We still need that level of support or the tools to handle these issues ourselves. Landowners like myself spend tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars per month on our regions. This level of support neglect is detrimental and will ultimately hurt Linden Lab financially. Cutting support for your backbone is not a sustainable strategy.
Even implementing a dedicated "Region Offline" 24/7 ticket handler to quickly bring downed or crashed regions back online after support hours would be a step in the right direction
Please reconsider and restore the necessary support to ensure the success and satisfaction of your loyal customers.