Standard web API fetch can't talk to an endpoint created by llRequestSecureURL because LL's self-signed certificates and internal CA are unknown to the wider internet. Other HTTPS request options also can't, unless they compromise the point of using HTTPS in the first place. This means that the best option for program communication in and out of Second Life is only able to be secure in one direction - out.
Who cares about the security of communications from the wider internet into Second Life? Everyone doing real money transactions, or sharing personally identifying information. Linden Lab can't ensure that the person you're doing business with is credible and handling your details well, but they
ensure that traffic in and out of their ecosystem is as secured at the door as the technology permits.
In Signal indicates that Linden Lab may be moving to a commercial CA (letsencrypt, zerossl, etc) for simulator HTTP traffic. That immediately resolves this issue.
Since that FR is unrelated in theme, this one exists so that this specific move can be upvoted.