Vertical land/ parcel division

Narah Blossom
Many people in Second life use the skies above their region for things such as clubs, car and motorcycle tracks, Stores, etcetera. It would be a great feature if you could set a ground parcel limit height so that while someone might have a house on the ground with privacy settings, media and such. They would then also be able to use the sky above the cut off point that the owner has set for other things that may need the whole footprint of the region.
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DevinKnights84 Resident
just had similar idea, but, for more than just permissions. divide the space between simulator floor and ceiling into 3 layers... Bottom = ground type, community matching, themed builds. Middle = protected air space for pilots and travelers. Upper = skybox territory. Allow the upper/lower layers to be separate space to be sold/rented. Create a simple covenant for ground territory to keep communities decorated and themed to the surrounding neighbors/communities. People who want strict security can have it, pilots can safely travel the entire grid with no issues and skyboxers can have their stores or hideouts and community minded people can have the ground for themed connected communities and the Lindens and land barons have more space to rent/sell. No more wasted or blockaded space. Everyone's happy.

Akina Ayashi
I would add that some world builders who create regions with multiple levels at different altitudes -- Ground + 1000m + 2000m ... 4000m -- would like to have different music and media streams available at these altitudes as opposed to having to use the same music stream on the ground. Especially with full sim-wide regions that are effectively 1 parcel it would be a cool feature if the region owner could to choose to invert one of the axes to create "altitude parcels". The whole purpose behind parcelling is to rent an X by Y space with Z ranging from 0-4000+m. But what if your purpose is to create fantasy worlds one on top of the other?

Della Starlight
I think this would be OK for private regions, but absolutely not for mainland regions, where complexity and abuse issues could cause chaos and confusion.

Paul Hexem
I've wanted this for years.

Thornotter Resident
For private regions, I'd rather see the ability to have more 'land' at the same number of total prims. If the prim count is the same, there's not going to be much of a performance impact for a slightly larger region.
Land is artificially scarce in SL and it doesn't correspond with actual server or client load. Skyboxes are a hack that wrecks the immersion of SL - I'd rather see it properly fixed so they're never needed.

Skyler Pancake
Thornotter Resident This. There are uses for skyboxes, but in many cases it'd be more ideal if you could spread out instead of having to create isolated pockets and complicated networks to connect them.

Gavin Felisimo
This seems like nothing more than a way for us to receive less 'property' for our land purchase, and SL to make more money off us. When we buy a parcel, our use of the space above should be within OUR control, not SL's... as it has historically been. There are MANY options for security, if that is an issue... and remember, viewing is always an option, so you really aren't 'secure' anyway... so, don't enter a 'public' space and expect to have privacy.

Soxy Whisper
Gavin Felisimo You misread the suggestion. It's a request to be able to segment a parcel vertically. You still get all the air above you. Just like you can segment a parcel horizontally. It's a questionable idea but not for the reasons you suggest.

SkyeRyder Varriale
Gavin Felisimo Agreed the only way it would be good is if you could create separate instances like some MMOS do. Complete privacy and you can't see your neighbors and they can't see you.

AlettaMondragon Resident
Finally this suggestion is here! Thank you, Narah!
Vertical parcels within normal parcels would be a great feature and it would resolve a lot of problems. Skybox rentals often have privacy issues as there are several rental units on the same parcel at different altitudes. Also as Conrad pointed out if we have a specific build at the ground that requires certain land settings it might not be suitable for other builds in the sky. The ability to separate parcels vertically might also resolve problems with overly protective security orb users disrupting aviation if implemented and used correctly.
One thing to be careful with is that the UI for such a feature must be very user friendly, easy to learn and have a "master control" feature to quickly apply the settings to all vertical units, and then be able to change settings individually on each unit in a way that doesn't become confusing. Many people can't manage their parcel settings as they are now, for some they are already too complex, so adding more complexity could lead to more lands with unsafe or inefficient land settings. That must be avoided while designing this feature.

Nyx Onyx
To use other words: we want 3D parcels! =) And it would be super if we could select land like today, and then when clicking to create a parcel, that we get a dialogue window where we could see and adjust in numbers the coordinates for the corners, and enter floor and ceiling height for the parcel, and at the same time enter a name for the new parcel. UI for managing parcels on a region would also come in handy then. A bit like a good file system partioner with features to join parcels as well as move the borders between parcels (shrink or extend).

IceCold Skytower
A million times yes!!!
I have this very problem currently, where a private region that hosts many places, and i have a skybox dungeon for my RP above a club.
Dungeon needs damage and rez open, club absolutely needs those disabled.
It would be amazing as you see already.

Vincent Nacon
It would be great for skyscraper buildings.
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