weighted clothing material with collision
RayneJayde Resident
gravity based physics on clothing with shape collision for skirts and dresses or any clothes that hang and would flow naturally. this would be much easier to create clothing and give it a more natural look as opposed to being bone weighted and rigged which gives cloth an over-starched look.
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prissypaw Aldrin
what i would like to see from secondlife https://odysee.com/@cgwallaha:7/master-realistic-cloth-simulation-in:7
Derek Galaxy
This sounds a lot like the simulated cloth feature of Sansar, it let you do basically this, during editing you can pull and form it, and then freeze the garment in place, this would greatly help clothing sit on non-standard body shapes including attached mesh. It impressed me when I tried it there! sure it wasn't perfect, and may be hard to do well, but, as long as it isn't totally broken it would be better than not having.
ZortyTheExplorer Resident brought up the same feature in another feature request, this was the link they used showing the feature i am also referencing
ZortyTheExplorer Resident
Derek Galaxy some creator here would hate this because it make end to any monopoly on avatar
people try to make same monopoly on sansar with avatar but clothes fit on everything it was amazing so all makers win
Derek Galaxy
ZortyTheExplorer Resident Oh, I definitely would expect a bunch of them to be opposed to something like this, but if all they relying on is monopolizing a few different bodies to sell products (a very disingenuous business practice might I add) instead of unique/quality/affordable product, then they can find another way to compete, I don’t see how this could be bad for SL if implemented well.
ZortyTheExplorer Resident
Derek Galaxy they would then have to compete on design and original and not winning competition by excluding people from having the tools in the first place :-D
Toothless Draegonne
Could possibly do this as a client-side-only feature that can have its detail level set with a graphics option? It's not really important to have every single vertex look exactly the same in every viewer, so long as "this flag in a breeze looks like a flag in a breeze" is still maintained.
Lance Aurelia
What you are looking for is Skinned mesh Physics. Modders have included this in games like Skyrim LE. Basically you add an alpha layer as a collider for your physical flexible mesh and it allows it to have collision with legs, arms, fingers and such. There's tutorials online for application I think with Blender. LL would just need to update the engine to implement functionality
Otoa Kiyori
I don't know how it is technologically possible yet ... but I have been wanting to see this in SL for so many many many years!! I want to wear skirts!! Not cardboard wrapping around my legs!! (≧▽≦)
Spidey Linden
Issue tracked. We have no estimate when it may be implemented. Please see future updates here.