Dana Enyo
This isn't really a feature but I don't see anywhere else to put it. After 21 years, could there be some better wording than "You have been ejected from... "Group Name." By far most elections are because a group closed or is just doing housekeeping. Ideally there could be a choice of statements, or maybe a fixed "This group has closed" message. But the EJECTED has always been really nasty.
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Signal Linden
Dana Enyo
Signal Linden So glad to see this getting attention!
Signal Linden
Agreed, this wording is harsh. Would simply replacing "ejected" with "removed" be an improvement?
I almost want to suggest that we remove the ejector name from this message, but sometimes that information is relevant when a group is taken over by a bad actor.
Atomic Infinity
Signal Linden Yes "removed" would be less dramatic. An option for a message that goes with it would help a lot too, so you can point out its just land group housekeeping, group closing, etc.
Fullperm Alpha
Signal Linden Beside changing ejected to removed a provided reason would be helpful. Sometimes it is something harmless and a provided reason could make this clear.
g13n Resident
I completely agree. I've lost several friendships because people got upset when I had to remove them to close a group. I really wish we could just delete a group without having to kick anyone out, or at least provide a reason for removing them. Although, it would still be time-consuming to remove hundreds of users. >.<
Dreamy Fairelander
My feelers get hurt when I see that message, even when the group notices warn me it's going to happen and why, lol. I agree that we need kinder, gentler wording because right now those words sting.
Madi Melodious
That could be worded better.
Anastasia Horngold
It's true: that message can seem horrible to the recipient. Could the message be customizable?
Dana Enyo
Anastasia Horngold A short checklist would be fine I think. From the (really very rare) "You have been ejected for violating our group rules" to "This group is being closed, thanks for being a member!" to "We're housecleaning and you've been offline over a year, so we're removing you from the group."
But if it's impossible, maybe just the wording? Even "For any of a number of reasons, you have been removed from the group" would be less snarky than we have now.