Add link to Mainland policies on land purchase
Nya Jules
What is this change supposed to achieve?
1) Make more land buyers aware of certain rules that exist, like those concerning land-cutting or ad limitations. This will make more of those land owners who didn't know of these rules abide by them, means these land owners will not cut ad micro parcels or place unreasonable ad signs in order to sell their places, improving mainland.
2) Reduce the number of abuse reports that the governance team has to deal with by removing those reports that were caused by people who didn't know of the rules but would have abided by the rules if they had known them.
What is the current situation?
When you buy mainland, the Covenant text currently says "There is no Covenant provided for this Estate." There is no link to the Mainland policies anywhere.
How should the change look like?
Instead there could be a link to the Mainland policies ( when you purchase mainland in order to make the user aware of certain rules like those concerning land-cutting and ad limitations.
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Abnor Mole
Note it may take a week or so (once the next set of rolling restarts has been completed) for the change to show on all regions.
Abnor Mole
Mainland regions now have a covenant (drawn directly from the already existing policies from the wiki)
Abnor Mole
Abnor Mole
Thank you, Nya.
We think this is an excellent point and are looking at seeing if we can create a Mainland covenant to address this issue.
PLEASE NOTE: The addition of this covenant to the Mainland estate will not and does not in any way constitute a change in Mainland. This will ONLY be outlining the existing rules already governing Mainland and directing people to the Terms of Service, Community Standards, and other universal and mainland specific policies that already exist. Again, nothing about Mainland is changing. We are not adding any new rules, restrictions, or policies. This is only intended to make people better aware of the policies that already are in place and always have been.
Andromeda Parabola
Thanks a lot Nya and Abnor; as a Mainland owner of large parcels, I think this will really be helpful. Several aspects of these Mainland policies are so relevant as I have experienced really bad behaviour such as land cutting, hidden holes in parcels I bought (with an attempt to sale these afterwards whilst they were on my land !), blatant harassment and intimidation, all part of an obvious attempt to push me/our group out etc. Thankfully, I got great support from a Linden team member. So this link on the Mainland tab for any/all parcels is definitely a great step forward. Also, there should be a generic post issued to let people know when this link has been implemented.