Breaking up the Linden Department of Public Works Into divisions with dedicated molds
nathkyo Resident
This idea proposes splitting the department of Linden public works into key areas Linden Department of railroad Linden Department of road Linden Department of events And Linden Department of area planning This idea comes from the fact that customer support and the Linden Department of Public Works have no regard for people requesting hookups and roads . In are too busy worrying about the next big event That all moles and lindens are too busy to give a about Requests are going for 4 to 5 years with no response tickets are being close the moment that the request is made acting like it has been completed. then get angry every time we send in a support ticket again.
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nathkyo Resident
Dear Abnor Mole
I hope you are doing well. I am writing on behalf of a group of concerned individuals. Despite our efforts to express our needs through various channels, we feel that our voices have not been heard, which has led to frustration and uncertainty among us.
We would appreciate your help in directing us to the right contact person or support team. Specifically, we need to know which department handles [specific issues, e.g., grievance resolutions, resource allocations]. Knowing the right path to pursue our requests would make the process easier and allow us to engage more constructively.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. We look forward to your prompt response and hope for a positive resolution for everyone involved.
Best regards,
Abnor Mole
Thank you nathkyo.
What you are suggesting is already the case to a certain extent. This is exactly why in previous feedback posts we have reiterated that SLRR requests should be sent though support ticket system as that is the designated pathway for such inquiries. Using the feedback portal to inquire about such petitions circumvents that pathway and only serves to complicate matters. Keeping all SLRR requests, updates, petitions, etc in the support ticket system allows us to maintain an organized tracking of all SLRR applications.
Snowlord Resident
Abnor, I just want to chime in and say that I understand the request here and why it would be nice to have a seperate entity. there isn't much new develepemnt with the slrr. even the new lines in Bellisseria are unfinished with switches where completed regions are. that being said regarding request on mainland via tickets.. there is no ticket category that really relates well to such a request, there is land and region but no section regarding the slrr. so on our end we don't know which person is getting the tickets. does one Linden handle such requests if a ticket notes "slrr" ? i think we use the feedback site as multiple residents can read, upvote and communicate vs submitting a ticket, getting a "no" and wondering if it would have been handled differently if it had gone to another recipient. maybe we need a feedback requesting more defined ticket processes so they can be directed better and qucker on the labs end. any info or knowledge here is appreciated.
nathkyo Resident
Snowlord Resident I agree with him I can't really say much more because this is really beginning to frustrate me.
AinemacLir Resident
I’ve never filed a support ticket, but if it were me, I wouldn’t create new departments first. If there are unanswered or still-open tickets for years, that’s an admin issue, not a building one. If approved projects aren’t getting done, maybe more moles??