Create a Linden Home Sandbox
Cutie Crush
One of the challenges for creators who want to develop accessories for Linden Homes, is that they must currently OWN that style of Linden Home (or know someone who does) in order to get any time to work with a home of a given design. A problem made all the more difficult when you become attached to a certain Linden Home and/or location.
From custom fitted decking, window treatments, holiday decorations, and so on.. It’s difficult to work on accessories for a building you don’t have access to.
To address this issue, and to provide a way to ‘showroom’ the various Linden Home designs, I propose the creation of one or more Sandbox regions, with build and scripts enabled, and a generous autoreturn, featuring timed versions of the Linden Home rezzers, with a similar timeout to the autoreturn.
This would allow builders to work with popular and upcoming Linden Homes, develop accessories that can drive interest for other users to get Linden Homes when they see that accessories are available, and would allow more diversity of development by creators who aren’t hamstrung by their attachment to one particular, personal Linden Home they don’t want to lose.
• More people can see and experiment with the variety of Linden Homes
• More people can develop products that work with more Linden Home designs
• More accessories for Linden Homes means broader support for Linden Home living
• Users feel more confident, with greater options for accessories, that they too can enjoy a Linden Home
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Abnor Mole
The Sandbox Bellisseria region has been open and available for anyone to use for this exact purpose since August of 2023. :)
Gorgeous Aurelia
Isn't that what this is?
Crush Cutie
Gorgeous Aurelia: Secret sandboxes no one ever knew about don't count!! It's not even in the destination guide!!