Create a port for boats to berth in the Welcome Hub
primerib1 Resident
Ever since the northern shores of Central Bellisseria are placed, residents can sail (or ride a speedboat) to/from the Welcome Hub. Unfortunately, there is no place where the ship/boat can berth.
I propose setting down a proper pier/port where ships & boats can berth -- for a limited amount of time -- so that mentors that own ships/boats can take new residents out for some sailing.
It will be a great introduction for new residents on what kind of activities they can do in Second Life.
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Abnor Mole
Persephone Emerald
I think there should be a region added just east of the sandbox region, with surfing, a sailboat rezzer, and a small island. Surfing and sailing are fun activities that I think newbies would enjoy. The surfboard and sailboat rezzers could be on the water's edge of the sandbox region.
Abnor Mole
in progress
Abnor Mole
We think this is a great idea and something we had thought about from the beginning. We already have a railroad terminus in the Linden Homes demo region and the region to the south of it (Rubber Ducky) would be a logical location for a wharf residents can use for boating excursions.
Skyler Pancake
Pretty sure there isn't an airport at the Welcome Hub either? Perhaps make a full transit depot. The ability to explore SL by plane, train, and eight legged metal monstrosities is a great way to introduce new residents and for them to find the joys of exploring what others have created.