I'm Locked Inside My Linden Home
Lidia Deezul
I know I can just teleport inside and outside but that doesn't solve the issue. Doors do not respond when I click them, and neither do the windows.
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Zada Bury
By the way:
It appears sometimes 2 houses are rezzed. I was have it at mine, too.
As them are exactly the same, it looks at the door, nothing happening. You might only see a difference or "flickering walls", if you start "modding" the house.
A click at the house-controller (mailbox at the road) and choosing the same (or an other) style, was fix it.
I am not sure, if it was trough the automatic setup-processing ... or if the previous owner was choose one ... or there was until now no previous owner.
Abnor Mole
Abnor Mole
Quartz Mole
Hi, Lidia. I've just checked your home and the doors seem to be working as expected, as do the windows. If you have any more problems with the house, please try re-rezzing it (use the mailbox, just outside the parcel). No need to remove any furniture -- the new house will rez exactly where the old one was.
If you have used any custom colours when decorating, you may want to make a note of them, because the new house won't know about them, but it should remember your regular decorating choices and other settings.
Please stand outside the parcel when you re-rez the house, and allow 30 seconds before trying to enter it or otherwise interact with it (the house will tell you when it's finished initialising and it's safe to enter).
If you have any more problems with your house, please reach out to me in-world. But please try re-rezzing it first, since that fixes most issues.
Lidia Deezul
Quartz Mole I rezzed a new instance of the house and forgot to check back here. Thank you for taking a look.
SL Feedback
SL Feedback
Hello, and thank you for reporting the issue with being locked inside your Linden Home. This problem has been brought up in the past and is currently tracked. We understand how frustrating it can be to have doors and windows that do not respond, especially when you have a home you really like. While we don't have an estimate for when this issue might be resolved, please keep an eye on future updates. We appreciate your input and hope you continue to share your experiences to help improve Second Life. Thank you!