Increase the land amount for super premium, regular premium, and the new premium.
Frankie Antonioni
Right now, super premium members can own 2048 sq. meters of land, regular premium can own 1024 sq. meters of land, and the new premium members can own 512 sq. meters of land. Lets raise that amount. Super premium would own 4096 sq. meters of land. Thats the same for charter members. For regular premium members, set the amount to 2048 sq. meters. For the lower tier premium, set the amount t0 1024 sq. meters.
Theres lots of abandoned land on the mainland. If LL were to double the amount of land that residents can own, then there would be less abandoned land. People would then buy more land, and the price of land would go up. Lookup, and see how much of mainland is abandoned.
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Abnor Mole
Abnor Mole
Thank you everyone for your comments.
The Lab is committed to giving residents the most value for their memberships as we possibly can. Evidence of that can be seen in the recent increase of LI for Linden Homes parcels. As far as how much land a resident can own, there are no restriction on how much anyone can own, only the costs associated with owning more land.
Membership tier levels, costs and fees are always a big part of those discussions naturally, but they also have to be careful not to fall into the Red Lobster "Ultimate Endless Shrimp" trap as well. :)
These discussions happen a the highest levels of the company, but I assure you they do happen. :)
Snowlord Resident
the only change I really would like to see is perhaps more incremnts in between the higher tier levels instead of having to double up, and also I feel the lowest "plus" membership folks should be able to obtain a 512m Linden home. that doesn't make sense to me since they have several of those plots in comparison to the 1024 and 2048 ones.
Dana Enyo
It's too bad we're locked into those "powers of 2" numbers, so there can't be an "increase by 20%" option. That's not the case for prim limits, which LL did increase by 30% some years back--maybe those could get bumped again? (I hit my limit all the time.)
But I WOULD love to see some sort of creative response to All That Abandoned Land. It really DOES look awful, and nothing attracts new residents to a neighborhood like an attractive neighborhood! LL seems to be putting all their attention on the prebuilt Linden regions and forgetting all about the other continents.
Maybe a "Tier-Free land for 3 months" option? Might give a new (or old) av their first taste of building (and at the end, they buy it free or discounted).
How's that sound?
Kathlen Onyx
All that will do will raise the cost of the subscription. LL will need to cover the expense somehow. If you want additional land you can increase your land holdings and pay for it. I wouldn't support this idea.
Frankie Antonioni
Kathlen Onyx But LL is not making any money on the abandoned land. It just sits there. And there is more of it. Just double the amount of land that Basic Plus, Premium, and Premium Plus can own. Or have the moles build more roads.
Cutie Crush
The membership plans are (currently):
- Basic (free, no land)
- Basic Plus (512m²)
- Premium (1024m²)
- Premium Plus (2048m²)