Linden Home Request Process for Premium Plus Residents
Akira Mistwood
LL Support tells me that "Linden Home assignments can only be done for Premium Plus accounts that do not currently own a Linden Home. If you are still interested in this Linden Home please abandon your existing Linden Home and reply to this ticket once you have done so."
When I followed this procedure, however, the requested home was assigned to another resident before the LL staff were able to process my request leaving me homeless.
A better procedure would be to allow Premium Plus residents to keep their current home until the new home could be assigned at which point their previous home could be automatically abandoned and items returned.
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Abnor Mole
Thank you everyone.
We wholeheartedly agree that not getting your desired location and ending up "homeless" is a horrible feeling that none of us want.
I have been told by the Lindens who are in charge of responding to these requests that if (and ONLY if) when you make your ticket you expressly state that if one of the parcels you requested is available you give permission for them to abandon your present Linden Home in order for them to be able to assign the new location to you, they will do that for you.
However, it MUST be expressly stated in the ticket that you grant that permission and acknowledge you understand your existing parcel could be abandoned for you at any time and without warning (returning any and all items on that parcel to your Lost and Found).
We hope this helps 🙂
Merged in a post:
Linden Homes Exchanging
Kennedy Fairlane
It is suggested that current owners of a Linden Home should be allowed to select and grab another home while still retaining the one they currently own. Once, the new home is obtained, the old home should immediately THEN be released. That way residents are NOT without a home if they can not obtain one by releasing their old home first.
Skyler Pancake This was posted 24 hours earlier.. And much more eloquently worded, no offense to OP. Also, this one was posted in completely the wrong section. If anything, other post should have been left open and this merged into that.
Skyler Pancake:
Agree. Merged.
SL Feedback
Hello, and thank you for your feature request regarding the Linden Home request process for Premium Plus residents. We appreciate your detailed description of the issue and your proposed solution. This feature request has already been submitted by another resident, and your post will be merged with the existing issue in Canny. We are tracking this request and will consider it in future updates. Thank you for your patience and for contributing to the improvement of Second Life.
The post that this was merged into is:
Skyler Pancake
SL Feedback That post is in the wrong section, was posted after this one, and is far less eloquently written. Can we instead have this one reopened and that post merged into this?
SL Feedback
Crush Cutie
Needs to be some built in mechanism for PP residents to just pick the plot they want with no interaction with support, preferably something in the viewer on the about land dialog.
Yman Juran
contrary to giving homes,to premium plus account ( I assume most already got one) I suggest LL offer a different varity of gifts, such as: more prims, free uploads of ex 10 images or simply raise the weekly free L.
Gorgeous Aurelia
All they need to do is add a Claim button.
SL Feedback
Merged in a post from Akira Mistwood:
Title: Linden Home Request Process for Premium Plus Residents
Details: LL Support tells me that "Linden Home assignments can only be done for Premium Plus accounts that do not currently own a Linden Home. If you are still interested in this Linden Home please abandon your existing Linden Home and reply to this ticket once you have done so."
When I followed this procedure, however, the requested home was assigned to another resident before the LL staff were able to process my request leaving me homeless.
A better procedure would be to allow Premium Plus residents to keep their current home until the new home could be assigned at which point their previous home could be automatically abandoned and items returned.
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