Link Nautilus Route 12A with Route 13
under review
Yavanna Llanfair
A link has become possible between route 12A in the north of Nautilus at Camorro and route 13 in the south at Plenodyes, across abandoned land (orange on the attached map). My suggested route is the red line.
This would resolve a longstanding gap in the road network, finally linking the two ends of the continent. Would this be possible? As observed elsewhere (Satori/Mãebaleia), this would make the land around it much more attractive.
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Abnor Mole
under review
Kimberly Lemongrass
I like the idea of linking these routes :)
AlettaMondragon Resident
It would be a good idea for the Lab to start claiming parcels for this in the area, but that tight part still looks bad so waiting for a better clearing there would be important. Pushing them too much into connecting roads results in weirdly winding roads like the new connection of Route 8A. Then another problem is that Route 13 and 14 are only connected by the Angels Airport Expressway, not by any Linden-owned road, so basically a connection of 13 and 14 in the Effingham - Wunb area would be more important to create a loop, but sadly impossible in recent years.
Celestine Ghiardie
AlettaMondragon Resident i kinda like the idea of a winding road. In my country there's tons of smaller roads having several weird turns around house corners to fit through a small village. The roads have clearly developed though medieval times to "fit" between the already existing housing in an area. Something similar could happen in SL. The road takes up more space this way of course and might be harder to navigate, but if there's enough abandoned land available i am not sure if that is an issue?
AlettaMondragon Resident
Celestine Ghiardie Given how often I see people complaining that they are unable to keep their vehicles on roads that are almost perfectly straight, with lag, poorly made vehicles and bad crossings, squeezing wibbly-wobbly roads in between private parcels in these areas is about as bad as taking them through region corners.
Celestine Ghiardie
AlettaMondragon Resident that is a good point yes
Yavanna Llanfair
Celestine Ghiardie I see the point about keeping vehicles on roads, but I really like the twisty bit on route 8a - it makes it more interesting to me. I'd go for more of that!
Yavanna Llanfair
AlettaMondragon Resident That would be great. And it is possible at the moment, from the end of the road at Wunb through LDPW-owned End of Road Inn, Grolphook - Servo - to West Helsen.
Maybe this could be added to the To-Do list? It would be very nice to extend the road from its end in Wunb.
AlettaMondragon Resident
Yavanna Llanfair It looks good, it wouldn't even need a huge work to make that connection. There is also a Linden land sale in Wunb, so that could simplify it, although connecting it properly in Speedstar would be better - the wall of that building is actually made like that.
I also checked out the area between Plenodyes and Camorro and it's not terrible, except some spots like in Bob Too, but even with that it's not worse than the Route 8A connection.
primerib1 Resident
AlettaMondragon Resident LL can offer Angels Airport to take over the expressway.
There is precedent on this, though kind of the other way around: Someone once purchased land on Ku and Nakaa and built a bridge connecting the two regions. Then they contacted LL and beqeuathed the bridge to LL, and the bridge -- and connecting roads on Ku and Nakaa -- is now Protected Land belonging to Governor Linden.
With the Angels Airport express way, the first and second parts (acquisition of land + building the road) are already done; if LL can get in touch with the Angels Airport operator there, LL can offer to convert the land to Protected Land, and return the land allocation to them. Should be a win-win-win solution for everyone: LL gets a connecting road without needing to do Eminent Domain, Angels Airport got additional land allocation to expand elsewhere, other residents get a new road 😊
AlettaMondragon Resident
primerib1 Resident I get your point, but as far as I've seen they have already reserved the land needed for this project in the area. I am looking forward to it, as I've said back then I had checked out the area and it is not a too difficult drive even offroad as it is now.
SL Feedback
SL Feedback
Hello, and thank you for your feature request regarding linking Nautilus Route 12A with Route 13. This idea has been brought up in the past and is currently tracked. We understand the importance of improving the road network and how it can enhance the attractiveness and efficiency of the land around it. While we have no estimate when this may be implemented, please keep an eye on future updates. We appreciate your input and hope you continue to share your ideas to help improve Second Life. Thank you!