Policy change: Allow for encroaching objects on Linden owned Roads
Anarchism Enthusiast
As it stands, any object no matter how unobtrusive it is violates the terms of service if it goes over a Linden owned road, resulting in bans and the object being removed.
I am petitioning for this policy to be changed that action would only be taken if the road is blocked in any capacity. This policy would enable residents to more meaningfully build on the mainland and feel like they are a part of a larger community.
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Abnor Mole
The LDPW policy on encroaching into protected roads and waterways is and always has been:
Encroaching objects can (but not necessarily will) be returned when discovered or (abuse) reported.
Whether an encroaching object is returned is completely at the discretion of the investigating Linden.
The primary reason they usually decide to return an object is if they encroach in a manner that physically or visually impedes residents from being able to freely use the public right of way.
Granting permission to encroach is not possible. It is always done at your own risk.
Zoren Manray
Abnor Mole speaking frankly:
the two posts merged together and closed three days ago are not the same. One asks about any object and the other asks about road connections specifically. just treating them as the same to just maintain the "at your own risk, and completely at the discretion of the investigating Linden" is dismissive to everyone who care to make the mainland a vibrant and interconected place.
what is the point of an adjacent road if it only passes by but can't ever connect to anything?
Also saying it's just impossible ignores a big contradiction: Why can we request official sideings to the SLRR and yet getting a mere permit for a driveway or intersection is Impossible?
Lastly, many of us are paying Hundreds of dollars a month for our roadside connected towns. And so many in world games and communities use them. If really that's impossible to allow why should we even bother paying so much to keep them anymore if one day we risk just randomly get banned for caring to maintain nice public spaces?
Really I don't know if this will even be listened to as it's all "closed" but I hope there might be some more understanding and this dismissal be reconsidered.
Abnor Mole
Merged in a post:
LDPW Permission Request for (Slight Object Encroachment) Driveways for Route 8-8A Link Roadway
Ember Ember
Obi Linden directed me to submit a request here on Canny regarding my ticket #2161706. My account was suspended for 24 hours due to my objects being reported for "Disturbing the Peace > Object Encroachment" onto Route 8, Linden Owned mainland. I'd like to petition LDPW for approval of my objects (driveways, hedges, small signage and a shed that did not obstruct the road and has existed rezzed out since May 2022 until they were reported last week) to be placed back in position as my parcel serves a public purpose -- My parcel located in Granada is a GTFO hub, a 60-minute auto return public rez zone, and is slated for collaboration with Gabby Felisimo (gavin.felisimo) to create a connecting link roadway between Route 8 to Route 8A. The screenshot I've attached is how the 3 driveways are supposed to look, but they are currently floating above and 100% within my parcel boundaries as I do not wish to incur another suspension on my account by leaving them in place.
Thank you for your consideration.
Lethra Resident
I agree. I've built a fair number of ramps over the years and I've only had one returned, and admittedly that one was in kind of a pain in the ass spot for a car.
But it would be nice to have some kind of standard I can follow, so I can rest assured that someone isn't going to report an object because they hit it while in some unreasonably weird position, or if they just wanted to be difficult.
Chargae UwU
I 100% support unobtrusive building to interface builds with the roads and byways of mainland.
tarisfeiri Resident
As a mainland landowner, I agree that we need to have the ability to unobtrusively connect our property to the road. Let me stress the "unobtrusively", though.
Melody OwO
The roads are there to allow free travel across mainland as a neutral zone that nobody owns. Encroaching on it in any way that remotely interferes with free movement across those roads really should have those items returned (and if repeated offenses occur, then at the very least temporary bans issued as the person is being an unnecessary nuisance at that point) short of a prior agreed upon exception in advance, but LL don't really have the manpower to address most of those issues. If you truly want full free will of your land, mainland probably isn't your best option. Even those who own property on either side of an interstate in rl can't just do as they wish breaking the plane of the edge of the roadway.
Extrude Ragu
Yeah, this really needs a policy change to be honest. I've had similar experience on mainland roadside parcel and I have been thinking of getting rid of it because I'm afraid to use it as intended. It's the most hostile I've ever experienced Second Life or Linden Labs, which is unfortunate for what should be community space.
Nya Jules
Whatever is done about this, enroaching objects cannot be a bannable offense if the intention is not clearly malice. Otherwise every enroachment should be acted upon.
a) Everyone can see that unobtrusive enroachment is tolerated in many instances. You can't have "enroachment is probably tolerated" and "well, you may get suspended due to an abuse report." at the same time. This would just not be a healthy situation.
b) There don't seem to be objective criteria that allow people to safely place enroaching objects. This also leads to, since, as to my understanding, you don't get told the exact reason for a ban resulting from an enroachment, it's impossible for people to safely produce a tolerable enroachment without making the same mistake that led to the suspension.
Ember Ember
I suggest a hard-coded way for approval of these objects and once approved the object cannot be edited (maybe only moved, but no link-set changes).
The process could go something like this? --
- When the user has completed building the object they wish to submit for approval, they can right-click the object and "Request LDPW Approval"
- LDPW can flag the object as Approved or Denied.
2.a. In the case of denial, the object gets returned.
2.b. In the case of approval, the object can no longer be modified and cannot be Abuse Reported. (But can be deleted by the owner/builder(s) themselves.)
I understand something like this will cause more work for LDPW, but the current system as it is now is way too strict and very susceptible to unfair AR's.
Abnor Mole
AFAIK that is already the policy going all the way back to when Michael Linden headed the LDPW and we built the roads. Anything that encroaches
be returned, but as long as it doesn't pose a problem it wouldn't be. What does and does not pose a problem is up to the interpretation by the Lindens, so the best course of action is to be as unobtrusive as possible with the understanding that it could
be returned at their discretion at any time.Load More