Real Estate Tycoons Buying Up Mainland
Doddy Meiler
Nowadays it is so hard to find nice land at reasonable prices for anyone who just wants to run a small business or have their own private little place. I looked near water and land after land were Renters with outrageous prices made to lure in tenants to rent their lands. I tried in auctions, but any nice spot goes to those who can afford it. I finally found some abandoned land along a road with a few pretty homes around and an open view to the ocean and so I asked to purchase it. A little over 5000 sqm. Across the road in front of my new land was another abandoned land facing the ocean but not right on the water. The shape of the land would not have suited my purpose. After a week, someone else asked to purchase it. The built a huge elevated platform, and a house with several floors with high ceilings. And to make it worse they erected a huge prim with an image on it the width of their land. The house and image was right up against the road and totally blocked my view of the ocean. I would have had to raise a platform 125m to be free of the obstruction. A day later they put up their parcel for sale at $9.49 per sqm, a day after paying Linden only 1L per sqm for the abandoned land.
In my opinion, anyone who buys abandoned land should not be allowed to sell it during the first 30 days or so, or they should have to return it to Linden if they change their mind. I feel it's about time Linden starts to take control of something that has gotten way out of control. I would love to just find a beautiful spot to build without the invasion of Real estate tycoons hogging up all the beautiful ocean view lands.
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ops2048 Resident
I feel for Doddy 'nd ors in this situation. As a relative newbie I searched 'nd searched for suitable abandoned land. Found/purchased land w km/miles of rural abandoned land on three sides miles/km from any neighbors/roads/facilities/ocean views. Days (!) later a 'Land Baron' from the other side of S.L. (literally continents away) purchased the abandoned land located perfectly to frustrate any hope of purchasing a 'square'. Linden claims that they scrutinize such claims of abandoned land is sheer nonsense. Within hours they put up ban lines. With experiences like these is it any wonder that people are leaving SL in droves.
Woolfyy Resident
Best solution = use private realtors. There are rules, known prices, not inflated and they remove those who don't respect the rules. Moreover, there is a growing number of lands connected to the sea where you can sail.
LL has a great technical platform. Realtors make the difference on service. Both are complementary. On my side what i don't like on Mainland is all those platforms ruining the sky under 1000m, often poor performance and orbs making it so unpleasant to fly.
KecskeShajt Corvinus
Also there are other cases whet could be called land abuse but apparently it isn't against any rule, like using a bunch of rezzers for temporary objects, so they can't be permanently derendered. A good exaply is there:
I already abandoned all of my lands around it because nobody could do anything.
KecskeShajt Corvinus
Even though I agree, there aren't any rules about reselling price right now. The only rule that could be (but never being) applied is the restriction to subdivide a land under 128 sqm to rent/resell.
Ad farms are restricted though, but never heard about being enforced...
River Vortex
LL does not give a shit as evidenced by their ignorance of this post. When will they wake up? As for the auctions, I believe they are rigged.
Skyler Pancake
At least 20% of Zindra is for sale at excessively over inflated prices, prohibiting people from buying the land for actual use. Any abandoned land is immediately put up for auction and snapped up by these land barons, prohibiting regular residents from having a chance to acquire the land at reasonable prices. A lot of these parcels have been for sale for years now and have just been passed back and forth between alt accounts by the same owner to make them look newly put up for sale.
They also butcher the land when they acquire it, purposely chopping the parcels up into unreasonably shaped pieces with certain sections at additionally inflated prices. Linden Lab does nothing about this when reported, as evidence by what's been allowed to happen in Myanimo. I know, I once owned half the region. When I sold it, I parceled things up into NICE 1024m parcels. A certain individual who I refer to by a name I won't say here bought most of the land up either directly or by alts and then proceeded to mangle the whole thing. Multiple reports were filed but the land was never reverted and the individual never appeared to be banned or penalized.
It even appears that Linden Lab is now directly involved in gaming this land abuse as Whitney Linden has a 256M parcel set up for direct sale at the absurd price of 8.5L/M.
Due to the asinine and unrealistic pricing created by the lack of expansion of Zindra and the permitted land abuse that's been carried out on the continent, individuals who would PREFER to be on Adult rated regions have no option but to carefully toe the line on Moderate land instead or become isolated on an overpriced private region.
This has been brought up repeatedly over the years with a senior Linden even once saying to me on the subject "Why should I care? There's plenty of abandoned land elsewhere." Which only reinforces the clear divide between Linden Labs understanding of what residents want and the lack of concern they actually have.
AdelaideAeon Resident
I definitely feel your pain! My partner and I had a nice place on mainland water and someone came and purchased land and put out over 50 breedable plants and animals, and a bunch of other items, and hasnt returned. Another new neighbor put up neon revolving signage, and other objects, and also is rarely there.
It would be so nice to have some rules in place where perhaps people who love breedables, have certain areas of the grid for them, or they are put up in the sky. People who love big revolving objects, mega builds and other items .. all stick together on another part of the grid and those of us who like aesthetically pleasing ways of being and view, can utilize another part of the grid. In theory not sure how this could or would work, but finding areas on mainland where people dont dump and leave is very difficult and that's a shame, as well as the real estate situation.
Rockridge I couldnt believe how many GTFO hubs there are gridwise when searching for new land.
Definitely more boundaries are needed. Until then, De-render and blacklist are my new super powers.
Rizzy Khaos
AdelaideAeon Resident they will never do that.
LL seems to be too afraid to reinforce a covenant over mainland, only so much as to cover their own butts for when they update the terrain to PBR.
As an SL explorer, driver, sailor, pilot. It hurts me when I see all this nice areas unvisited and/or uglified.
AdelaideAeon Resident
Rizzy Khaos We think and experience the same thoughts .. I love exploring the grid and it's so frustrating to see all the areas where people dump a bunch of stuff, let alone the ban lines or no script areas :/ Would be so nice to beautify mainland (even minimally) one area at a time.
Maelstrom Eyre
AdelaideAeon Resident agreed! I specifically make my land open to people, especially because it is on the water with access to a lot of Linden water. What's the point of even having a parcel on Linden water if you're just going to build a skybox where you can't see anything, anyway?
Rockridge Constantine
I have seen this happen so many time next to my mainland parcel. I have enjoyed for many years now. I have seen the land barons come and go. Right now the new neighbor next door set up a GTFO Hub across from one already roadside. Horrible terraforming on our boundary. Ugly AF but i put up a small fence to help that. This is one of the joys of having parcels on the mainland. Just like in First Life, it is not always going to be ideal.