WARR line
VenKellie Resident
No not war. West Atoll RailRoad.
I see the land still in the PW group.
Would be awesome to see this rebuilt.
Yes i am aware of it somewhat built up to Grote.
Im asking if it is possible to finish it to Elpenor.
And yes i do see some parcel challenges in the way but im sure its workable ish.
I remember my first ever railroad i saw on a old avi was of the WARR line before it was deleted. That is what led me to the SLRR and my love for trains.
I believe if the WARR was rebuilt then maybe will bring back some life into the SLRR.
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nathkyo Resident
Maybe would be possible to set the land aside if it becomes abandoned and plan on rebuilding it once all lands have been abandoned. Or to let residents know that with the plans to rebuild if they be willing to donate the land for the reconstruction.
Abnor Mole
Thank you everyone for the feedback!
You are correct. It would be nice to be able to revive the line that was there. The route does have some issues though. As it was pointed out there are some sections that would be difficult or impossible to navigate without obtaining some resident owned lands to complete the line. Linden Lab will not take land away from residents. Only if it becomes abandoned would we consider carving out what is needed for the project. The same holds true for extending mainland roads. We don’t think we could properly rebuild the WARR line at this time, but if that changes in the future we can reconsider the possibility.
VenKellie Resident
Abnor Mole zomg /me faints. yay n stuff :)
KecskeShajt Corvinus
You can see the originaly warr was on prim/sculpt bridges, but that isn't supported by most people around. As I measured it could be easily rebuild on the ground too with double rails, except at those problematic parcels where there aren't enough spaces.
KecskeShajt Corvinus
I contacted with the Lindens and other people connected with railways, but Lindens are not planning to revive currently.
There are some parcels are still on the original places of the line, though most of these could be bypassed. These are:
and these four are the biggest problems, because can't be really bypassed, except by making those parts one-rail:
Most of these owners can't be contacted or won't respond.
AlettaMondragon Resident
As far as I know from the time I've done a survey project on it, the Lindens are on it and waiting for the right time to get the missing parcels - hopefully. They claimed abandoned parcels that were missing from the line, and now the only two trouble spots are in Andraca and Juanita, but those are complete blockers. West of that area it could be built any time, though, they have the land.
I don't think it would bring more life to the SLRR in general, those of us who like trains and railroads go out and ride them in Heterocera and Bellisseria, and even Sansara and Second Norway. What usually makes people avoid the railroads is their condition, which is not the best to say the least. Length-wise Bellisseria adds so much more rail coverage you can literally ride the railroads for days, so if you're willing to take the annoyances and the fact there is not much to do while traveling by train there, it is great in its current condition too.
Reconstructing the WARR would be great though, even if it can't be connected to the rest of the network yet.