I wanted to share some feedback about the mobile viewer. First, could you please address the avatar display? It often appears deformed when I log in, and most of the time, it’s invisible. The connection status shows "True Connected: True, Reconnecting: False Connections: 7."
I’d also love to see walking and running controls added. I accidentally ran through a neighbor’s parcel while trying to move—oops! A jump button would be fantastic, or perhaps a feature that lets the avatar jump forward if there’s an obstacle in the way.
Could we add a signal strength indicator? It would be really helpful to see our 4G and wifi reception bars. It could even say Weak/Strong Signal, so people know why they are lagging. I know my ping inworld on desktop is 210ms being in Australia, with other counties maybe worse, so it would be a good thing to maybe show our ping as well.
Lastly, for future email notices about the app, it might be helpful to encourage users to leave 5 star positive reviews. This will make newcomers feel more confident about giving it a try. Currently, the Android app has a rating of 2.5 stars from 301 reviews, while iOS is at 3.0 stars with 112 reviews.
It's crucial to boost those ratings to 5 stars, especially since the app is in BETA. If the ratings remain low once it’s publicly launched, it might deter potential users. Just something to consider.
Great job on the improvements since my last use!