step 1 log in XD the only fix seems to be logging in from Speedlight and teleporting to another sim and then logging in on the SL mobile beta. for reference this has been ongoing for a while but triggered in your Mink Jullep region today. as seen by the attached screenshots the avatar "loads in outside the simulator and you can see geometry rez in above. but it doesnt load any of the account details. my name is not shown and it can see i have friends online but not what their names are.
its worth mentioning that i have 2FA on and it doesnt seem to always trigger for the official mobile viewer. when this occours swapping to speedlight will ALWAYS trigger a 2FA challenge so idk if the viewer beta is terminating connection but unable to issue a 2FA challenge. fix is to deal with the challenge and move somewhere else via speedlight
to recap:
1: sl beta viewer seems to fail to give 2FA challenges and logs in in a broken state rather than failing to log in
2: using another viewer to complete a 2FA challenge fixes the issue. this has been confirmed multiple occourances
android 13 but behaviour has been confirmed on android 14