please update minimum android version Android 13 as per googles requirement
Jamesp1989 Resident
my previous report was closed stating the app target api was changed per googles requirements. however the document states the following:
"Existing apps must target Android 13 (API level 33) or higher to remain available to new users on devices running Android OS higher than your app’s target API level. Apps that target Android 12 (API level 31) or lower ( Android 10 or lower for Wear OS and Android 11 or lower for TV OS), will only be available on devices running Android OS that are the same or lower than your apps’ target API level."
meaning your app MUST target android 13 to remain available to current users. by upgrading the requirement to android 14 you aren't fulfilling that agreement. the requirement of android 14 minimum only applies to new apps which the second life app is not
Targeted api/version and minimum api/version are separate on android. you can have minimum of 13 and target of 14 so you aren't just kicking out anyone who doesn't have the latest devices. you also made these changes without any announcement or giving your users a chance to comment on it.
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Ganymede Atheria
There are still a lot of user running Android 9 (Pie). Please make the the Second Life mobile app installable again on device running on Android 9 (Pie)
Please make the install available in driers running pie
The beta could be installed and ran on 9 (Pie) devices. I was able run it on my tablet before the requirement recently was changed to exclude 9 (Pie).
Bridie Linden
Bridie Linden
Grumpity Linden
You should be able to use the app with Android 13 again with this latest release. Apologies for the interruption, and thanks to all who helped us find our way :)
Jamesp1989 Resident
Grumpity Linden thank you very much for communicating with us and being open <3
Shadow Siamendes
Grumpity Linden So the minimum version is going to be 13? No support for at least 12? If so then unfortunately it won't be for me for some while. My device's vendor stopped official updates (did 2 major updates already) and I have no plans of getting a new device at any time soon since it's not that old yet (it's still supported by all apps I have in it, all them are up-to-date).
Jamesp1989 Resident
Shadow Siamendes googles requirement is 1 iteration below target. Target is forced to be 14 by googles requirement. So recommended can only be as low as android 13
Shadow Siamendes
Jamesp1989 Resident Hmm, I see but that doesn't make sense though. Why then 99.999% of the apps in my Android 12 device are still supported and even updated (the most recently updated is 1 day old)?
Sorry but that sounds like lame excuse.
Plenty of them shows like "updated support for 14" in their changelog but still works on my device. O o
Edit: just to confirm I checked my most recently updated apps, one of them was updated yesterday and it says it supports from Android 6 and up, its changelog say "updated target API level". <.<
Shadow Siamendes
I would even go further and say to set it as 11 for minimum. There are still plenty around-two-years-old devices that haven't even got 13 yet (some will never get though).
For instance, my device is still on 12 and I had no issues running the app, so it's not a matter of compatibility or anything, but just some "bureaucracy" to pose as "being up-to-date" (also as per chart someone posted here, by supporting like from 11 or 12 will include around half of the currently available versions).
Safe Quicksand
I am on apple 17.6 IOS and there was an update for that, I noticed things a little better but not enough for me to use it while away from my computer! Now I am alowed to sit but touch does not work for playing games or buying or dancing.
Grumpity Linden
Good news and bad news. Let me start with the bad news:
the specific language we are complying with is "New apps and app updates must target Android 14 (API level 34) to be submitted to Google Play (except for Wear OS and Android TV apps, which must target Android 13 or higher)."
It's the "app updates" part that requires us to target Android 14+.
Now for the good news! We're looking into distributing an APK that targets older Android versions from our download page - we will update the feedback portal with instructions once we sort that out.
Qie Niangao
Grumpity Linden This seems the long way 'round the barn. Maybe help to read some of a forums thread about this:
and/or focus on the
SdkVersion for a Play Store APK, not only the target
SdkVersion. (One sets the floor, the other the ceiling of compatible Android releases.) It seems very unlikely there'd be need for whole separate APKs for each Android release; nobody does that.Crush Cutie
Grumpity Linden Sideloading an APK is well beyond the capability and comfort zone of most users. It's not gong to matter how good the instructions are.
It wont "feel safe" and there is nothing Linden can possibly write up in a guide that will make it ok. It's not ok.
Jamesp1989 Resident
Crush Cutie tbf its not really sideloading on android. you download an apk and press install. thats it. it gets more complicated when apps try to install apks but thats unlikely to be the case.
Extrude Ragu
LL this is blocking most people from using your mobile app.
I attach android distribution numbers as of May 1 2024. Only 13% of people are on Android 14. That means 9/10 of your userbase can't use the android app