If permitted to edit a friend's object, cannot do it unless you LOG INTO the region in which the object is located.
Pat Perth
A friend has given me permission to edit her objects. I teleport to a region that contains one of her objects. I cannot edit it. I log out. I log back in to the region I just logged out of. Now I CAN edit her objects. I teleport to another region containing one of her objects. I cannot edit any of her objects there. I log out, log back in, and I CAN edit her objects. It doesn't matter if I use the Linden viewer or the Firestorm viewer.
Log In
Maestro Linden
Pat Perth
Here's my step by step version.
- User A in group G has granted User B the ability mod User A's items, as long as User B is in group G.
- User A rezzes a box in Region Z and goes away. The box is assigned to group G, of course.
- User B, who has activated Group G teleports from Region X to Regions Z and finds User A's box. User B tries to resize the box finds the box non-modifiable.
- User B logs out, and logs right back into Region Z. Now she CAN modify Use A's box.
- User B activates Group H, and then immediately activates group G again. Now user B CAN modify User A' object.
[Added] I would be happy to demonstrate all this in-world if you want.
Maestro Linden
Pat Perth: To be clear, how are you granting edit permissions in (1)?
Is UserA opening the other user's profile and enabling 'Allow UserB to: .. Edit, delete or take my objects from my land'? That permission should be independent of which groups UserA and UserB are in or have active, so long as the to be edited object is owned by UserA. This is the way that I used in my repro steps.
Alternatively, are you using group permissions in group G, with UserB in a role that includes the "Manipulate (move, copy, modify) group-owned objects" ability?
If you're using the group permissions path, I believe there's a missing step. If UserA rezzes an object in step (2) with group G active, the object's active group will be set to group G, but the object will
be set to "shared" with the group, allowing group members to edit. If UserA is not sharing an object with the group, group members should not be able to use their abilities to edit it.Pat Perth
Maestro Linden The first way. I can look at friends list and clearly that I have been granted permission to modify this friend's objects. And if I happened to have logged into the region where I am attempting to modify .y friends objects, I CAN modify my frie as objects. But have just arrived in this region, having first logged in somewhere else, I cannot modify my friend's objects. However if I activate a other group then reactivate the first group, I then can modify my friend's objects.
Maestro Linden
Pat Perth: Okay, thanks for the clarification. I did the following, and definitely can't reproduce the issue as you describe on Second Life Server 2024-10-15.11356152186. The full repro steps I tried (given the complication of trying objects set to a group) are:
- UserA: Open UserB's profile, and under 'Permissions', check the box for 'Allow UserB to: .. Edit, delete or take my objects from my land', then click 'OK' to apply
- UserA: rez 3 new objects with the build tool:
- Object1, set to group 'None'
- Object2, set to GroupG (which UserB is also a member of)
- Object3, set to GroupH (which UserB is
a member of)- UserA: Log out
- UserB: Login to a region far away from UserA's objects. Ensure that your avatar is not set to a group.
- UserB: Teleport to UserA's objects, and attempt to resize Object1, Object2, Object3
- Observe that all 3 objects can be resized (as expected)
- UserB: Set your active group to GroupG (in case this is somehow a factor...), then exit the viewer
- UserB: Login to a region far away from UserA's objects
- UserB: Teleport to UserA's objects, and attempt to resize Object1, Object2, Object3
- Observe that all 3 objects can be resized (as expected)
Closing this issue as 'cannot reproduce', given these results on Second Life Server 2024-10-15.11356152186.
Pat Perth
Maestro Linden What happens for you in steps 6,7,8 is not what happens to me. If I teleport to a region in which someone I know has given me permission to modify her objects, I cannot modify them. If I log out and log right back in to the same place , I CAN modify them. Possibly this is an issue with Firestorm and you are using the Linden viewer. In any case, I have a work around and dealing with this and similar issues is a familiar experience.
Maestro Linden
needs info
Hi Pat, what are the end-to-end repro steps for this bug?
I do see an 2015-era report of this issue, but I'm having trouble reproducing it. Here's what I tried:
- UserA: Log in, and rez a box
- UserA: Open UserB's profile, and under 'Permissions', check the box for 'Allow UserB to: .. Edit, delete or take my objects from my land', then click 'OK' to apply
- UserB: Log in to UserA's location
- UserB: attempt to resize the box. Observe that resizing is allowed (as expected)
- UserB: Exit the viewer, then log in to a region adjacent to UserA's region
- UserB: Attempt to resize the box from across the region boundary. Observe that resizing is allowed (as expected)
- UserB: Move into UserA's region, then attempt to resize the box from across the region boundary. Observe that resizing is allowed (as expected)
- UserB: Exit the viewer, then log in to a distant region
- UserB: TP to UserA's location, then attempt to resize the box. Observe that resizing is allowed (as expected)
In summary, UserB is able to edit UserA's object when they:
* login to the region containing the object
* login to an adjacent region, then edit the object across the boundary
* login to an adjacent region, then region cross and edit the object
* login to a far-away region, then TP to the object to edit it
Pat Perth
Sorry it's a bit confusing where to reply to what. I have added my version of the step by step procedure to replicate the issue.
Uggo Vieria
hello, as far as I remember, it has always been this way. As a workaround, you can change active group which will (re)load the permissions (you may need to select and deselect your friend's objects a few times before you can edit them)
Pat Perth
Thank you for your post. It's good to know at least one other person recognizes this is an issue. People have been complaining about being unable to edit friend's objects even when permitted.
I'll try your work-arounds, but it's also pretty easy to just log out and log back into the region in which you want to edit your friend's object(s).
[Added later] Yes! just activate a different group, the reactivate invokes the permissions. Much faster then log/relog.
Maestro Linden
under review