Online status and transport issues related to one location
Beryllium Vella
- Go to the silver fox ballroom
- Communicate with someone not at the silver fox ballroom
2a - their status may be reported offline (intermittent but often - many talk about issue)
2b - if they come to the silver fox ballroom the online/offline status will correct itself
- Leave the silver fox ballroom
3a - offer teleport to someone who is at the silver fox ballroom to wherever you are (doesn't matter where you are, just that they are at silver fox)
3b - they will not get the teleport offer
3c - their online/offline status will be incorrect
3d - sometimes IM's don't go through
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Maestro Linden
Hi Beryllium Vella, the top search result for 'Silver Fox' is at - is that the location you're reporting about?
I had one account visit Quartz while another logged into a far-away region and sent them some messages. Over the past hour, IM deliveries (including regular IMs, friendship offers, TP offers, etc.) are behaving as expected. Looking at the recent server logs, it appears that agent presence (which allows avatars present in the region to receive IMs) is working properly in Quartz.
If you see this issue again, could you note the following?:
- The time of the incident
- The name of the region the message sender was in
- The name of the region the message recipient was in
- Some part of the message body (you can send a 2nd test IM for us to look for if you want to keep the original message private)
- Whether the message recipient had been staying in the same location or hopping around between regions. We have a known issue for IM delivery failures in the face of frequent region crossings at
Maestro Linden
We haven't received any reports with the details required to investigate.
Beryllium Vella
It may or may not be impacted if the people in different places are friends. If friends, the notifications are typically "not online", but you can get that with non-friends (or non-friends so far :). It isn't just me, so I don't know how to get you other people to report the issue. There does seem to be a case of it happening more when the Silver Fox (in Quartz) is getting full, and typically if it's near 40K people online in SL I expect problems - so a loading issue is suspected in my mind.
The (bad) solution at this time is for everyone to go elsewhere then they can communicate and TP without issues.
Maestro Linden
Beryllium Vella: Next time this happens, could you please include the details I requested in my Jan. 13 comment? In order to fix this bug, we first need to understand it by capturing some incidents.
Maestro Linden
Beryllium Vella: Also, please direct any people experiencing this issue to include the incident details requested in my Jan 13 comment. There is nothing we can do to address the bug without understanding it.
Maestro Linden
Beryllium Vella: One more question for you (or anybody else hitting this issue): do you see the issue immediately after a sim restart (such as today - region Quartz has its weekly restart on Tuesday mornings), or does it only start to happen after the region has been up for a few days?
Maestro Linden
needs info
Maestro Linden
Hi Beryllium Vella, the top search result for 'Silver Fox' is at - is that the location you're reporting about?
I had one account visit Quartz while another logged into a far-away region and sent them some messages. Over the past hour, IM deliveries (including regular IMs, friendship offers, TP offers, etc.) are behaving as expected. Looking at the recent server logs, it appears that agent presence (which allows avatars present in the region to receive IMs) is working properly in Quartz.
If you see this issue again, could you note the following?:
- The time of the incident
- The name of the region the message sender was in
- The name of the region the message recipient was in
- Some part of the message body (you can send a 2nd test IM for us to look for if you want to keep the original message private)
- Whether the message recipient had been staying in the same location or hopping around between regions. We have a known issue for IM delivery failures in the face of frequent region crossings at
missyrideout Resident
Maestro Linden This has been happening on and off at a number of busy clubs for at least a year. Thank you for the list of what is needed to take a closer look. It's not something that happens to one person, it's like a region will reach a state of poor health and it becomes epidemic. It also has a tendency to break group conferences. Will try to collect all this the next time it happens.
AriaWynn Resident
I have also seen this bug occur regularly at other sims.