Residents banned from Group still in Members list and able to chat
Eowyn Southmoor
Residents banned from groups are still able to rejoin group and communicate in local chat. In two groups I Moderate, 3 different residents have been banned from the group for bad behaviour. The Owner of theses Groups do not want these residents in the group. However, even after being ejected and banned, in some cases as far back as June 2024, these residents still appear in the group member list and are free to speak in group chat, even though they are also listed in the banned member list. Clearly the banned member list is somehow being overridden, or these residents are using illegal viewers.
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Maestro Linden
We still haven't gotten steps to reproduce this issue that actually succeed when followed.
Fullperm Alpha
Maestro Linden Please consider to reopen this feedback as it can be in fact reproduced: you get the ban and when the group chat is still open you can continue to write.
The comments say a workaround is to eject the disturbing resident first and then executing the ban to mute in this case instantly. People which have an issue with that can consider doing this.
Lindinha Hyun
I got that many times after banned people continue communicate in group local chat
ThundrCoder Resident
I don't think they actually rejointhe group but if you ban someone from the group and they still have the chat window open, they can still send messages. I can confirm it has been like this for at least two and half years.
The 'workaround' is to look for the person's name in the active group chat members list and also "Block this user from sending text chat" when banning someone who has the group chat window open.
Eowyn Southmoor
ThundrCoder Resident I am well aware of that little "bug" where someone can continue to chat after being banned from a group, however, in one case, the person was banned and ejected back in June. I find it hard to believe that this person has managed to stay logged-in to SL for several months uninterrupted, all whilst having that particular group chat left open as well. Your suggested workaround unfortunately doesn't stop the person from viewing chat in the group, which in this instance is required.
Mister Acacia
As a moderator for a support group, I sometimes find I have to pull chat, then eject, and then ban in order to truly remove someone from the group and deny their ability to re-join or chat in the group. Banning alone done not always work.
Eowyn Southmoor
Mister Acacia This is the exact method I use. I eject first, then place the person on the ban list.
Maestro Linden
needs info
Eowyn Southmoor can you please provide steps for how to reproduce this issue?
I tried, and can't reproduce this on Second Life Server 2024-10-15.11356152186. All viewers were using Second Life Release (64bit) and were located in different regions.
- UserA: Create a group (you are the owner and can ban others)
- UserA: Invite UserB and UserC into the group
- UserB, UserC: accept UserA's invitation
- UserA, UserB, UserC: open group chat, and confirm you can send messages
- UserA: Right click on UserC's name in the group chat member list, and select "Ban Member" from the context menu
- UserC: observe that you get an automatic IM from UserA with the message "You have been ejected from 'GroupName' by UserA."
- UserA: Observe that a system notification appears, saying that "You ejected UserC from GroupName"
- UserA, UserB: Observe that UserC no longer appears in the group chat list
- UserC: attempt to send a chat message to the group (the UI is still open - minor issue that it should probably be closed by the viewer)
- UserC: Observe you see a modal dialog that "Unable to senda your message to the chat session with GroupName \ Please close and reopen the conversation, or relog and try again"
- UserA, UserB: Observe that you do
see UserC's message- UserA, UserB: Send chat messages to the group
- UserA, UserB: Observe that you see each others' chat messages
- UserC: Observe that you do
see these chat messages- UserA: Open the group info panel, click 'Refresh'
- Observe that only UserA and UserB appear in the members list - not the ejected UserC
- Observed that the 'Banned' list shows UserC
- UserC: log out, log back in, and note the list of Groups shown in the People panel
- Observe that the kicked group is not in your groups list
- UserA: Attempt to invite UserC to the group (without removing them from the ban list)
- UserA: Observe a notification appears, "Some residents have not been sent an invite due to being banned from the group."
- UserC: Observe that the invitation message does not appear
ThundrCoder Resident
Maestro Linden the issue stems from this bit that you mentioned
"(the UI is still open - minor issue that it should probably be closed by the viewer)"
Eowyn Southmoor
Maestro Linden Steps are as follows: 1>right-mouseclick residents name in group chat. 2>Choose Moderator Options. 3>Select "Eject member" 4>repeat steps 1 and 2. 5>Select "ban Member". This ejects the person from the group first, then adds them to the ban list. When looking at the "Banned Residents" list, their name appears in it correctly. To clarify, this process IS working correctly. I get all the correct notifications, and the resident does appear in the banned residents list. The resident (at this stage) is also NOT in the member list. So at this stage, everything is normal. It is only later, whether it be a day, week, or month, that their name is once more in the member list - that's where the issue is. How are they rejoining when their name is on the banned list?
Maestro Linden
Eowyn Southmoor: Thanks for the context about this issue being more about agents being able to join despite being on the ban list, rather than the eject+ban operation failing to complete fully.
To that end, I've been trying to get an avatar who was banned from a group to join it. It appears that for both ways to join a group (via invitation or by clicking 'Join group' in the group info panel) have the ban check enforced server-side. A regular viewer will let you try to join the group in both cases, but the server sends a failure message and doesn't add you to the group if you're on the ban list.
At this point, I think we need a live case of somebody able to bypass the ban check when joining a group, so we can see what was going wrong with the server's usual check.
Allegory Malaprop
While I haven't done it often, the ban option seems to do nothing.