Rez Object With Params objects are losing params on Sim Crossing (rowp)
Grave Resident
Currently there is a bug where if you use Rez Object with Params to set parameters on an object that will then rez without any scripts in it, those parameters are lost when crossing into a new sim.
How many of these parameters are lost I am unsure, but the following could be tested and reproduced:
For example, in bullets, they lose the Die On Collide parameter and bounce around in the sim it crosses into:
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Maestro Linden
On review, issue with REZ_FLAG_DIE_ON_COLLIDE lost on region crossing is not fixed in 2024-07-22.10048683488, but will be fixed in an upcoming server RC that's coming out this week.
Maestro Linden
needs info
This was a known bug in the previous SLS build. Do you still see this bug now that server 2024-07-22.10048683488 is deployed grid-wide?