After teleporting between two RC BlueSteel regions, I noticed that my viewer was still connected to both regions even after an hour later. Using Firestorm's nearby people list, I can still see specific people moving around as if they were in a region adjacent to the one I was in, well past the 60 second mark when my viewer normally disconnects from a region I left.
Steps to reproduce
(Firestorm viewer)
  1. Teleport to BlueSteel Sandbox 1.
  2. Teleport a friend to you and have them remain there in BlueSteel Sandbox 1.
  3. Teleport to Sandbox Cordova.
  4. Wait at least 60 seconds.
  5. Open the Nearby People list (Ctrl + Shift + A) and look for your friend's name.
  6. If your friend is still in the Nearby People list, then you are still connected to BlueSteel Sandbox 1. You can even double-click their name to put your camera on them and see them move around.
  7. Teleport your friend to you and have them remain there in Sandbox Cordova.
  8. Teleport back to BlueSteel Sandbox 1.
  9. Wait at least 60 seconds.
  10. Open the Nearby People list (Ctrl + Shift + A) again and look for your friend's name.
  11. Your friend's name should no longer be listed, indicating that you have disconnected from Sandbox Cordova.