Too many disconnects and unsits from vehicles on sim boarders
TgBianca Resident
We did 11 races in January with all together 96 racers and have about 7-12 racers per race. A race takes normally max 40min. But there was not a single race in January all sailors finished without disconnects or thrown off the sail boat on crossing sim boarders
The region "Depace" is the worst sim in the last weeks. We crash there most of the times either on the crossing into Depace or out of Depace. It happens as well when someone sails alone there. There is not much underwater stuff that needs to be rezzed long. So there is no actual reason for these crashes there.
Check the sim Depace first and seriously and don't just look at some general parameters or values. Do a serious check including server address changes and all those things. The other sims start getting the same issues more and more. So the whole area is worth to be seriously checked.
and i talk about all these sims: Stodierski, Mautte, Paltiete, Mon Bayete, Degrand, Sarante, Petaccio, Rexach, Betacourt, Feraco, Repaci, Castrum, Palmerston, Rafeiraga, Valdivian, Couse, Gerache, Collhaytah, Port Pawtee, Maris, Conwy, Port Gonnornertnert, Quimadra, Depace, Lavaca, Val Encia, Benach, Coull, Oprince, Getachew, Wyrldmaker, Corpening, Geffers, Costagliola, Cottier
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Lisa Hyandi
Thank you for listening to us and for the live tracking dome
Looking forwardi to the solution
Signal Linden
Philip Linden
We are going to solve this, and agree that these are critical and frustrating problems.
Esmelyn Resident
I was one of the victims of these races. You can see my video within Bianca's race report. I dont understand how I can have a healthy 2 or 3 practice laps.. nothing changes and then half an hour later the race happens and all hell breaks loose. I do all the things asked of me and beyond and this still happens. I have lowered my graphics, I have removed all my mesh and gone to a basic avi.. i even purchased a second internet provider that only my computer was linked to in my house to try and improve connection and communications at my end and yet this still happens.
I spend so much time in SL along with many other users who practice and work hard to be ready and able to race yet these races are no longer fair.. its not the best people win anymore. its whether Second life chooses you to finish unscathed.
This last race I was in a solid podium position only for second life to decide "no.. not today. i think I will award this too someone else." Its not fair on me or anyone else who is kicked out and its not nice for the people who do succeed knowing they got their positions through second life and not through merit.
This is not a complicated request, its very simple.. just make the sims hand over your details in a safe, fast and secure manner.
I am a highly invested simulator gamer inside second life and outside in other games.. DCS.. Sailaway.. Star citizen.. worlds where you can travel for hundreds.. even thousands of miles and not a single glitch in connection. Why then.. why.. is this fundamental and basic need so hard to get right?
Sorry for the rant but I and many others invest their time and energy in this world.. we love it. but right now our time spent is just being wasted
TgBianca Resident
Tuesday the new server software release was rolled out on the Second Life Server and we had a race in our race area with only sims on Second Life Server a couple of hours later. We all were curious, if we will see any improvements.
I am sorry, but i really have to add water into you party wine. You can read my race report including videos here:
The few practice hours before the race, the race itself and the first day after the race on the hotlap course in this same area showed the same number of disconnects, of script errors after disconnects and no noticeable real improvement.
Sorry but i think your plaster stopped the first bleeding a bit, but the leg is still broken and needs still to be fixed.
hakiria Resident
!! Unstable technology in SL - crashes are the norm!!
Dear Linden Lab team,
We are writing to you today as the owner and co-owner of an airfield, as a sailor and motorboat driver, and as a pilot. And we have to tell you, the situation is serious. Very serious!
It can't go on like this in Second Life.
The conditions for an unrestricted gaming experience have dramatically worsened. Although many players have repeatedly contacted you in the past few months and complained about all the spontaneous and inexplicable crashes, nothing has happened, or we have been fobbed off or otherwise dismissed. Since the beginning of this year, the situation has become unbearable and actually unworthy of a simulation like Second Life.
Sailboats and motorboats crash, not only when crossing a sim. The same applies to airplanes, which suddenly can no longer be steered. The avatars crash with the vehicles and are then increasingly seriously damaged when re-entering Second Life.
The situation is now so bad that the sailing clubs, among others, are considering stopping their regattas due to irregular conditions.
The constant crashes are now a constant issue in Second Life. It also increasingly annoys us that we are customers of Linden Lab as paying members and feel that this concern is not taken seriously by you despite this.
We urge you to take a serious look at this fundamental technical problem in Second Life.
Metmes Zerbino, 17 years in SL (Premium Plus Member)
Hakiria OGrady, 6 years in SL (Premium Plus Member)
Apama Ohmai
I believe the issue is SL wide. I can RARELY sail anywhere without getting UNSIT ... or worse a full CTD (crash to desktop). Sailing the waters of SL is a HUGE component of this community, and it needs to be FIXED before project Zero launches!
TgBianca Resident
True Apama it is SL wide, but to fix that whole SL is like the big mountain you see when you wanna learn climbing. It is easier and you might be more motivated you start with smaller walls. That is why i gave them an area and some sims we know we have more issues with. If you have some of these sims, please add them here as well. I think we can only solve this when LL will find solutions for those sims first and then test them on more.
EloDelice Resident
As a manager of the Hotlaps, a big group of sailors that navigate all the SL seas every weeks, I also want to add some feedback on the disconnect or eject from vehicule issue.
On the week of 3rd to 8th march a vast majority of hotlaps sailors were unable to complete any course due to constant crashes or ejections and it seems that this week the situation is the same even if we moved to another part of SL.
We really need some support to solve that issue and keep sailing in SL a pleasurable challenge.
Thanks !!
TgBianca Resident
let me add some more things from lately:
The extreme problems with very bad crashes on RC servers last week have been only the top of the ice mountain.
I organise 3 sailing races per week with around 8 - 12 boats per race in this area:
and you can read about the races here and watch videos of every race here:
We teach sailors racing and a lot sailors practice racing here together nearly every day. So we know this area and its general conditions very well. 2 years ago LL helped us to improve the conditions by moving all our open water sims to Second Life Serve. But unfortunately since beginning of 2025 the conditions are changing worse nearly weekly and you can read in the race reports how the number of disconnects and falling off the boat increases more and more.
We have some candidates, that are statistically worse than average and i think these should be investigated seriously:
- entering and leaving Degrand
- entering and leaving Depace
- entering and leaving Castrum
- entering and leaving Conwy
and the crossing from Gerache to Feraco
During the last 2 weeks we even had really extreme bad crashes, which looked like the crashes on RC Servers last week with script errors and broken attachments even after a relog and they start to in crease unfortunately.
So better nip it in the bud before you run into real stress again
best regards
Lethra Resident
This has only gotten worse over the past month. I have my graphics set as low as possible, my draw distance at 64, I've been doing the same kind of flying I've always done in the same places, and at most I can get through 7 or 8 sims without crashing. And usually a bunch of stuff gets weird before that, like my camera angle gets flipped, my avatar stands in a T-pose and protrudes out the ceiling, and/or it takes a very, very long time (about 10 seconds) for the aircraft to start responding to control inputs again. Prior to January, I was flying with much higher quality graphics and a draw distance of 384, and could literally cross 1,000 sims before encountering a problem.
This has happened all over the mainland in recent weeks, and early results from this week's restarts indicate it's even worse. I don't know what y'all are trying to roll out but it's making it basically impossible to use a vehicle in SL, and we're back to the "bad old days" before migrating to the Cloud.
I've also noticed that even in off-mainland regions, things are generally very slow and behaving strangely. Please fix whatever this is or at least provide a "grown-up" answer on what's going on and when you expect things will be back to normal.
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