Dear SL MP,
We have been working together for many years.
I was always grateful for the opportunity to sell my shapes and my gacha products on SL MP.
In all these years of good cooperation, I have always done my part very well: all my gacha articles are marked as no copy, they are in the "gacha" category. In the description of each item I have always provided useful information, good quality pictures and even created videos for each item I sell.
My clients were always satisfied and whenever they had different issues (such as not being able to unpack the items) I helped them. It was an effort on my part to enter all these data in SL MP and to offer customer service at any time of the day or night, so now I wonder: What did I do wrong? Why do I feel punished?
No one is buying my gacha items for a while now, very soon I will be forced to pull out from SL MP all my gacha items and place them up for sale on the gacha resale markets (inworld).
In this situation we will both lose: SL MP will not receive the Marketplace Commission (for each delivered items) and all the effort I placed in adding each gacha item to SL MP will be wasted...
I am truly hoping that this issue is just a bug that will be fixed very soon.
For me it is very important that the Marketplace search engine will displays all items by default.
Many thanks!
Perfect Shapes