Marketplace Search with asterisk gets unexpected results
auntiemisha Resident
When searching, I get unexpected results (fewer results) when I use the asterisk, which is supposed to find partial matches.
curved stairs = 44 matching items found.
curve stairs = 6 matching items found.
curve* stairs (expecting at least 50 results ) = 3 matching items found.
curv* stairs (expecting at least 50 results ) = No matching items found.
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Spidey Linden
Issue tracked. We have no estimate when it may be implemented. Please see future updates here.
Peter Stindberg
Since the update of Elasticsearch some.... 3? ... years ago, those operators did not work reliably anymore. What is even more annoying is that singular and plural does not work properly anymore. Before the version update, a search for "stair" would bring up "stairs" as well if "stair" is in the keywords. Now the merchant needs to put singular
plural in the keywords.