Revert the changes to related items layout
RohanaRaven Zerbino
The latest changes to the Marketplace layout, regarding the relocation of related items just to fill blank space with unreadable titles below, have made them nearly invisible on the desktop version. I fail to see why a mobile layout is being forced onto the desktop version, unless there’s a lack of skill among the developers. Even basic tools like Wix allow editing for both layouts, so it’s difficult to understand why this isn’t achievable on a custom-developed platform.
Major changes like this should start with proper design testing, not an improvised approach to filling empty space. Please consider reversing the position of related items and adopting a dual approach to product pages so that both mobile and desktop variations serve their purposes. It’s important to test changes carefully before putting them live to avoid these kinds of issues.
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We have updated how our related items display.
Alaska Metropolitan
I can't believe this went into production, live on the Marketplace for all to see. It looks like a mistake, like many of the changes recent to the Marketplace.
When features for product discovery are broken like this, all sellers suffer.
Ikaros Alpha
Hi, I reported this some time ago as
Brilliant Price
The current state of the desktop browser based Marketplace listing pages is absolute disgrace. It would be an insult to amateurs to even call it amateurish. In some relentless, futile attempt to force it into a mobile based format, what has has been accomplished is a a complete and utter mess that the entire dev team responsible should be ashamed off. It started with some half baked ill considered tinkering with the typography then moved on to decimating huge portions of the page real estate. Making it harder for customers to navigate and view product offering. Is the holy grail of Cell phone integration really worth it? Do mobile purchases really outstrip conventional browser sales. I doubt it.
Kyle Linden
Thank you for the report, this is definitely a bug that will be addressed.
RohanaRaven Zerbino
Kyle Linden Thank you! Not that I would call it a "bug," as it is apparently due to human choices and factors, and there is an entirely different arsenal of more appropriate words for the situation, but let's not be nitpickers. I hope to see changes soon, as related items are an important part of the online sales chain.
Aglaia Resident
This new layout with the Related Items on the right when the description is a little bit long, is terrible. Be it on desktop or mobile, the Related Items are almost invisible now. This "Related items" section is the only way to connect products. And a core feature of product listing. What a big regression... It is difficult to imagine how such changes can even go in production because i don't think anybody can find this to be an acceptable layout: There is not enough room for a simple word like "Chessboard".
At the place they are now, with only 3 visible items without scrolling horizontally (!!!), i think we can consider this feature like unusable from now on. One feature less :(
Natasha Petrichor
Agreed entirely. This isn't even just about the mobile layout: Related Items is the only way to connect multiple products together, which often go together, and the capacity has
been 8 items. So to suddenly cut it down to only showing two or three without awkwardly scrolling sideways? Might as well just not even bother using Related Items anymore, and it's one of the best
features of product listings. This degradation is unacceptable.