Ability to flag/report entire Marketplace stores
Miro Fairelander
Currently, there is no way to report an ENTIRE store - just individual listings.
I have come across stores that are very clearly TOS breaking due to the nature of their content when looked at as a whole, such as selling explicit adult content and child avatar content under the same marketplace, with those items clearly being part of a set. But with the current system of only flagging individual listings, if you take one of those items out of the store's context and aren't aware of the rest of their listings, it may look innocent. Clothing for a kid avatar, for example, is not going to look suspicious on it's own, but if it comes from an adult store that's selling explicit content in the same style, then suddenly that's a mountain of red flags.
There are other types of MP stores with disallowed content, too; I've seen entire MP stores that just sell ripped models from other games, or stores that exclusively sell copybotted/stolen content from other creators, stores that seem to rely heavily on AI generated images and models to scam unsuspecting customers... you get the idea.
I hope that whoever handles listing reports also looks at the whole store of the flagged item, and not just the one listing in isolation, but it'd make the process a lot easier if we could report entire stores.
Please give us the option to report stores, NOT just listings.
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Peter Stindberg
I agree with your suggestion, but disagree strongly with the two examples you cite:
- 3D models ripped out of games: Only rights-holders can tip off the Lab about violations of their intellectual property, and have to prove in the process they hold the right. For a very good reason: If that would not be a big hurdle, it would be weaponized by a lot of merchants against each other.
- Shop selling kids clothing and adult items: The Marketplace does not allow for more than 1 shop per merchant. If you are a designer, and enjoy creating both items for child avatars and also items for adult play, you simply have no other choice than adding them to the very same shop.
That said, I find your idea excellent nonetheless. There are a lot of black sheep among my fellow merchants, who do keyword stuffing, spamming, demo attribution etc. and it would be great to be able to report a store and have the Lab look into the store as a whole.
So you get my vote, but despite - not because - of the examples you quote.