Allow reporting of demos not marked as demos
Peter Stindberg
Regrettably, a lot of merchants
don't have their demos labelled as demos, so that they can be excluded from search.However, there is no category to report such mis-classifications. We only have:
Disallowed listing practices
- Demo not linked to full version
But we are lacking:
Disallowed listing practices
- Demo not classified as demo
In order to help sanitize the Marketplace, users should be able to report those things.
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quadrapop Lane
being able to use boolean search terms would help a LOT "-DEMO" was once a thing back in the Pre LL owned marketplaces, allowing boolean search modifiers on MP search would make it possible to trim down searches to specific things much more easily than the current clunky methods
Celestine Ghiardie
quadrapop Lane You need to use "NOT" - so write your search term then add " NOT DEMO NOT Demo NOT demo" That usually does it for me
Caelan Whimsy
I have learned to search for items that cost at least $L1. Trouble is, I end up looking at demos that cost, and missing freebies and gifts that don't. It would definitely be nice to be able to report demos that are not marked.
ZortyTheExplorer Resident
much better is to make change to include try demo button under main product so listing bloat cut 100%