Bring Featured news back on the account page
Alwin Alcott
as title says.. very short and clear, bring back the featured news on the account/dashboard page.
What stays now is useless information and event SPAM
Most people will directly log in on their account or forum page and not see any usefull postings anymore.
Log In
This should be working correctly now.
Daniel Voyager
It would be great to see it return again.
in progress
Working on a fix.
Clem Marques
Yes. Please put the Featured news back in the Dashboard page. I have no clue where to find the news now. ☹
Rockridge Constantine
Excellent point, but keep in mind that there is an ongoing redesign and realignment across all web properties. Things will continue to be WIP for awhile.
Lacie Nolan
That info helps us all keep up to date in an easy place to see it. I have no idea what the purpose of removing it actually was, but we need it back.
Cinnamon Mistwood
I start my SL on the dashboard. I would also like Featured News where I start my session -not hidden away somewhere I'll never look or cant find.