Creation date in marketplace items
Kathlen Onyx
I'd like to see a creation date of items shown in the marketplace and the ability to search by year created.
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Spidey Linden
Merged in a post:
Add creation or upload dates to products listed
CzarFenris Resident
Many times we look through very old products, sometimes sculpties or outdated mesh, If we could see when the item was uploaded to marketplace or created in SL it would help a lot.
Peter Stindberg
Very old listings don't necessarily mean the product is very old as well. My oldest listing is from 2009, still sells a couple of times a week, and I updated it many times to keep it up to speed, the last time only a few weeks ago.
Having a "product listed" field would HURT products like this, and would force merchants to start a re-listing cycle, thus clutter the Marketplace more.
There is however - already now - the "version" field many merchants use, which is suitable for the task just fine.
LYNNiAm Resident
I came here to suggest this and am glad to see it's already been suggested and is also being tracked. Sometimes I am shopping in a store on MP and wonder if the store is active or how many Christmases ago was this item created? Would be nice to see this also to show how often a merchant is listing new items. If it's been a decade since they've made anything, that would save me from adding the store as a favorite because they no longer are making things now. Thank you!!
Merged in a post:
Add "Last Update" on MarketPlace Listings
primerib1 Resident
MP should show a "Last Update" date so we can determine if an item is probably too old and not worth to be purchased.
Cooter Coorara
Absolutely. As a MP vendor selling new mesh PBR homes, listed along with the 45,000 other homes, creation date is very important. A customer should know if a product was created in 2009 or 2024. New is better.
Robotshaz Resident
I would really like this to be added in on marketplace. I know as a buyer I do prefer to buy fresh new items whenever possible and new releases. I think it would make people more aware of what products are new and which ones are older. Other people may like to buy some of the older stuff as some older products may be cheaper than new releases and some people like to collect a lot old and new.
Bondagegirl Porta
Agreed with the below, i think having a few fields will drastically improve the quality of life for using the marketplace with more confidence.
Created on:
Last Updated:
This allows people the confidence to know that a store is not idle or at least gives them much more info to be able to make valid valuable choices and informed decisions on their purchases.
Kyrie Deka
I like this per ad, so long as other equally important dates are added in the same location/list.
Creation date alone seems no more/less important to see than any Updated dates since then. So if the date of creation is listed, it should also list dates of update/version and QA checks. Else, the date of creation is far too heavily weighted on the ad page, and misleading.
Not all "old" stuff, has less value/functionality, than newer stuff. E.g. my oldest/first MP item is a tip jar/wall, updated many times since creation. Functions great, but adding a Creation date (only) to it instantly diminishes its value next to items "created" any year since 2012. And all the updates since are as important (if not more so) than Creation date.
Perhaps we could check a box when editing the ad later, ie this edit a: __ version update __ qa check __ blah, and it adds that date/generic reason to the list at the bottom of the ad. We could choose not to check any of those while ad editing, and the page adds no dates above "Created". But at least that gives those who do return and check items (e.g. at PBR) the option to make it known they are still monitoring their items being sold :)
Cackle Amore
Having a "Last Updated" to go along with it would be nice too
Pierre Ceriano
IMHO, this is a good feature to be implemented. However, ensuring that the relisted assets will keep their first visible listing date. So we would also see the attempt at relisting...
Gwyneth Llewelyn
Pierre Ceriano exactly. You will need to have both. No need to reinvent the wheel, just look how Amazon handles this...
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