Limited quantities NOT showing in search
TessaPaige Jupiter
The default search setting on the Marketplace seems to be causing issues. When conducting a search, the "limited quantities" option remains checked by default. This setting persists across all searches, requiring users to manually uncheck it each time they search. This default behavior is problematic as it does not align with user expectations and makes the search experience cumbersome. A well-designed search engine should display all options by default and allow users to apply filters as needed.
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Limited Quantities not showing on MP search
China Falmer
I thought a search feature was to put what the individual person wanted to search or not search for. Trying to find gacha and limited items now is a pain the back side and is discouraging my main use of marketplace. Not sure if this is a glitch, as I can't see WHY LL would make this an automatic choice for the user, does not seem clever financially or user friendly in any way. And as before takes the choice away from the user. Would appreciate this being addressed, else MP is useless for me
Ikaros Alpha
Has been fixed
Cocoanut Koala
Thanks to TessaPaige and everyone and LL! All is right in the world again.
Fneil8 Resident
Once again, BIG THANKS TO LINDEN LAB AND EVERYONE WHO ACTIVELY SEEKED THE RETURN OF THE STORES) To be honest, it has become easier to breathe on the Market))
Spidey Linden
Merged in a post:
Limited quantities NOT showing in search
butterbiscuitwaffle Resident
Limited quantities are not showing up by default. Currently there is no way to take this setting off. This change was made almost a week ago, without any notification to us sl users. There are many marketplace listings that have limited quantities. Is this a bug? Or was this a decision made by LL for some reason?
Spidey Linden
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Every Gacha Should Be Found!
Jinx Viper
There's a problem when you cannot search for a Gacha Item now, not right with the new search system implemented by Linden Labs. Recently, there has been a noticeable decline in sales for both resellers and creators on the Marketplace with "DO NOT SHOW Limited Quantities" option. LL needs to rethink this move it isn't fair!
Spidey Linden
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all gachas should be found!!!
Marco303 Resident
All Gachas should be found even if you only have 1 piece or 10, SL what's the point!!!
Spidey Linden
Merged in a post:
Limited quantities Not showing in search
devilgyrl Denver
Limited quantities Not showing in search
Allen Nova
Thanks to TessaPaige Jupiter for her post. Thanks to everyone who took part here. Also thank you so much Sntax
celestarabelle Resident
Thank you very much, @Sntax! These have been challenging days, and your support brings us immense joy. We appreciate that SL is a welcoming place for everyone, free of any discrimination.
Kudos to everyone here!
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