Updated Marketplace UI
in progress
Jack90 Ormstein
A refreshed Marketplace with a responsive web design would be great.
More content could be shown and could also increase ad revenue for LL
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Daniel Voyager
I agree 👍
Spidey Linden
Merged in a post:
Mobile First! - Make SL-Websites better for use with mobile devices
MajorTom Willis
For years I have been annoyed that all the pages that connect with me as a user cannot be displayed well (or at all) on mobile devices. The presentation of websites has been focused on “mobile first” for years. I no longer want to have to zoom/pinch to be able to read my “Who is online?” page without a magnifying glass, for example. I also want to be able to browse/scroll through the Marketplace without having to sit down at my PC/laptop. Also in view of the fact that this has already been discussed in the topic “Overhaul My.Secondlife”, the relevant target group would definitely welcome it if the handling were independent of end devices. Access and the associated fun of interacting with the service would be much greater.
I am also happy to make myself available here as a web developer if help is needed.
GrimReaper Boucher
at least make sure by default there is NO filters marked so not auto blocking all items that people dont need no more and want to sell. Nobody wants a filter working on FULL search
Marty Mouse
also dark theme would be great :))
in progress
This is something we are actively working on!
Jack90 Ormstein
Sntax Amazing! Thank you for the follow-up :-)
Spidey Linden
Issue tracked. We have no estimate when it may be implemented. Please see future updates here.
Gwyneth Llewelyn
Spidey Linden as I'm sure I've posted somewhere but have no idea exactly where 🥴😵💫🙄 the first thing that can be done is getting rid of the 'proprietary' engine from the ancient past and using something contemporary and well-maintained (WooCommerce naturally comes to mind, since, well, it's free...).
The second thing is, well, the search engine. If you want something ready-made which works flawlessly and can be tinkered with, I suggest using Manticore Search, which is free, open-source, and definitely cheap (as in: free!); there are a few tentative integration attempts directly with plugins for WordPress/WooCommerce (such as the 'official' plugin, under development at https://github.com/manticoresoftware/wordpress)
The alternative, of course, is Elastic Search, which also has its own plugin for WordPress.
Daniel Voyager
Spidey Linden This sounds great. Something like the destination guide or the revamped Linden Homes pages would be good.
Daniel Voyager
Spidey Linden Any progress updates ?
Ecko Soulstar
Daniel Voyager In case you haven't found any updates, I believe some of this topic is ongoing in the web user group. I don't know if YouTube links are allowed here, but if you go there and search for: Second Life Web User Group Meeting - November 6, 2024 - you should find the official SL YouTube stream of last weeks meeting. There's also other recent streamed group meetings which have some relevant MP discussion. This is one of those things I am so hoping to see happen... it's so long overdue and will be a real upgrade, with more curb appeal to curious on lookers too.
Daniel Voyager
Ecko Soulstar Thanks